Catalog excerpts
Getting Started with ZEISS Premium Refractive lOLs Your guide to a successful implantation of AT LISA tri, AT LISA, AT LISA toric
Dear Surgeon, You have chosen a ZEISS premium refractive IOL as the best possible option for your cataract, presbyopic and astigmatic patients to attain the optimal post-surgical visual outcome. We would like to thank you for your trust. The reliability and safety of our multifocal AT LISA® product family has been con rmed in numerous studies. Very fi good functional outcomes are apparent in uncorrected near, distance and intermediate visual acuity. AT LISA tri the latest member of the AT LISA family is the first trifocal preloaded true-MICS IOL for real intermediate vision. The monofocal...
Pre-operative measurements As soon as you and your patient have made the decision for a ZEISS premium refractive IOL, the following pre-operative measure ents are recommended: m • Optic biometry using the IOLMaster®: the goal is emmetropia. The latest A-Constants can be downloaded at the ULIB web site: • Corneal radii: for an astigmatism up to 1.0 D an implan ation of the AT LISA tri or AT LISA is appropriate. t With an astigmatism of 1.0 D or greater, AT LISA toric (multifocal) or AT TORBI (monofocal) is the per ect choice. f •...
Z CALC for a fast, easy and reliable calculation of the ZEISS toric IOLs ZEISS premium refractive toric IOLs can be calculated easily online with the Z CALC® toric IOL calculator. Access Z CALC at
Key points when using Z CALC for calculation and ordering: • Z CALC is optimized for use with the IOLMaster. Obtain the latest keratometer refractive index from your IOLMaster printout. • You can enter axial length, K-readings and ACD data for one or both eyes on the Calculation screen. You have the option to choose Standard or Advanced Mode. In the Advanced Mode, you can vary sphere and cylinder powers to review associated residual refraction. • Yellow fields indicate values slightly beyond the most common parameters and Z CALC will continue to calculate. Red fields indicate values where Z...
Pre-operative marking An appropriate marking of the eye for the implantation of ZEISS toric IOLs is important for the success of the surgery. The pre-operative reference marking is applied before anaesthesia while the patient is sitting upright with both eyes open. The instruments necessary for marking are: • A corneal marker • A slit lamp with a grading ring Optimal incision size Ideally, the incision size for a ZEISS toric IOL implantation is less than 2.0 mm (C-MICS, B-MICS, laser phaco), to avoid inducing additional astigmatism and to optimize the predictability of the outcome.
Intra-operative IOL alignment The exact alignment of a ZEISS toric IOL is crucial for a good post-operative outcome. In order to obtain a correct position, align the orientation marks of the IOL (flat curvature) with the steeper meridian of the cornea. The gross alignment should be done during the implantation of the toric IOL.
After the IOL implantation, the viscoelastic should be removed carefully and completely from both the anterior and the posterior side of the IOL to avoid rotation beyond the intended final axis. Even a small amount of residual viscoelastic can cause the lens to rotate and shift leading to refractive errors. Rotate the lens after viscoelastic removal. The axis of alignment should precisely match the calculated target. For maximum precision you have three options for ZEISS toric IOL alignment. You can use either the screen transparency available to print directly from Z CALC or the reusable...
Post-operative management Post-operative checks should be performed one day, one week and four weeks after the surgery. Since this is the habituation period of the patients with multifocal IOLs, you should encourage them every time they show up for postoperative control. Post-operative check-up Multifocal IOLs • Obtain a subjective refraction for distance and near (it is not recommended to use an autorefractor when a multifocal IOL has been implanted) Detlev R. H. Breyer, MD, Germany, recommends to ask your patients on their last visit whether they would happily recommend surgery for the...
ZEISS Toric IOLs Check the rotational stability of the IOL Next steps The second eye should be operated on within a few weeks after surgery of the first eye. Do not prescribe progressive lenses. If you have further questions ... ... ask your sales representative or your local Carl Zeiss Meditec office for: • Wet lab sessions • Seminars and training courses • DVD with clinical experiences from well-known international surgeons
AT LISA tri AT LISA AT LISA toric AT TORBI IOLMaster Carl Zeiss Meditec AG Goeschwitzer Str. 51–52 07745 Jena Germany I/D01147 12/11 GB IOLMaster, AT TORBI, AT LISA, Z CALC, Z ALIGN, STACY and CALLISTO eye are registered trademarks of Carl Zeiss Meditec. The contents of the brochure may differ from the current status of approval of the product in your country. Please contact our regional representative for more information. Subject to change in design and scope of delivery and as a result of ongoing technical development. Printed on...