The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

srv- I iu In Wl imp i i .1 m.w.toiwim.i.i-j PAGE TWO X' SEYMOUR' pXPLY TRIBUNE, SEYMOUB.DIANA FRIDAY, juftE2Ti96r, is 1 z. Vallo niaions tlrr Wifhout test-dt forced nmy Kilfea i Zm Plan To Install Members of the Vallonia U.S. Hopeful Way Can Be S. Viet Force vJr i''r xf''2y Lions Club will install officers for 1967-68 at their next regular meeting on June 15 IIdvsy Paragraphs Firemen were called to Fleet-guard Division of Cummins Engine onouth Poplar street at 12:03 p. m.

Thursday. The aiarnf notifier accidentally had "activated in the building, which was 1 unoccupied except for the watchman. was Yet Meet The Nicest The date was set during a FouhdiTo Settle- Crisis SAIGON (AP A task force nlane. "Puff the Maeic Dragon People Ob A Honda! meeting of the -Club Thursday of South Vietnamese paratroop spitting gatling-guia fire. MARINE A MOTOR night: Kenneth Wolff will be ers and infantry with thunder-LA platoon from theU.

S. 9th come new president or tne SALES''. 2SU 2Stk Street V. S. hope that forcible action Infantry Division caught, the The assumptiorTnere is that the Soviets- have advised some ous air and artillery support chopped up a crack Communist WASHINGTON (AP-U.

S. leaders are teported hopeful a waiart found but of the Is- fieeuig guerrillas about a mile Colombo, lad. Pk. 37M7M JnTjthe fonly others business will prove unnecessary the Soviet attitude. S.

officials say as a result restraint in 1 Nasser's actions 1 battalion just south of the demUi-lfaWalys1' An eeriev night patjue -faeli-Arab crisis without a test tarized tone today and Jmeoat least 150 of thVenemyrthe Viet-' nofirer wives- to- attend a- summer r-: with armed helicopters and the circling Puff again, in action by Israeli btock'adeof of thorities they believe theSoviet iVATEIl Dlzmetef Concrtta Casing namese Command -announced. playhouse productioq. at Nash-. A few-miles to the west U. S.

government; isiaterested 4n avoidine war to the Middle East ville on June 25. Merrill Campbell, 22, -appeared torSeymoul' city court Thursday and pleaded Marines' were calling hi air and A sweeping review of Jhe situation in. the East and planning for future it is supporting Egyp- Officials note the Soviets iiT sup-JKJftinetabKis public statements and at the United Natimis have avoided aU-out endorsem*nt of Nasser's declared blockade of the Gulf of Aqaba against Israeli shipping. "This has encouraged specula-, tion among officials that at some point the Soviets might be willing to join in developing artillery agajnst a bunkered the light of flares. dawn 17 Communist dead were found.

Four of the Americans were The 9th Division, announcing the end of a sweep it launched VARIETY fJJ" Cravtl President GamalAbdel Communist where guflty to a charged turmshtngl alcoholic beverages to amtoor. developments were schedui Nasser's general si i on LIQUORS I a-White House confefente be Offainct Tnil dug-in North Vietnamese regulars killed 13 Marines and wounded 63 on Thursday. Judge William M.Jones fined hirtt andcosts.ile had been arrested May; 24 in the Fwllv lnwrd Licensed OrWer Henry Rose, Int. R. 1, Milan; Indr coUect Sunman 42S-24M Free K-tlmate the delta five months ago in tween President-Johnson and British PrinteMinister Harold fc0 Stca- around its camp at Dong Tarn, fighting raged a ew miles below the 17th parallel Wi 100 block of South avenue.

compromise solution, for the erdict In a a ilson, -following a brief, visit blockade problem. dividing an area where the Communists, have to Canada, was due at the jonnson ana soviet premier i Levy Trial May reported one indication of Red strength in area. It said the soldiers found and destroyed some 850 bunkers and emplacements and the operation' covered less than 5 per cent of the delta. Alexei Kosygin arrreported to Jiaveexchanged messages in shown every willingness to feed in freshtroops for a growing White House in late morning for day-long talks with The'' President and Wilson WINE, LIQUORS, COLD BEER TO GO Admitted to Bartholomew, County Hospital, Columbus, were Teresa Snyder, 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Bill Snyder, Columbus R9 second floor, hall; Mrs. Richard North Vernon Rooin llC war of attrition. Come through earlier negotiations evolved these main points KThe White House and State "The South Vietnamese task force of paratroopers, infantry and armored vehicles COLUMBIA, S- CrtAP Although American pilots fley 127' missions over NorthViet- strategy for dealing Department refuse to confirm i viuan attorneys, clocked in crisis: the reported exchange but, ap ran into the crack Viet Cong their attemptto" use medical -To urge restraint on the nam Thursday, the weather was worse than itjias been for a week and strikes were limited ense, squared off disputingnauons, 708th Mobile Battalion within five miles of the U. S. Marine base at Dong Ha.

young Army prosecutor Egypt and Israel, in ord supply targets well Cindy Swerigel, daughter of Mranof Mrs. Ray Swengel, 1103 South-Walnut street, returned home Thursday from Riley Hospital, Indianapolis, where she had been a patient for closing arguments in allow time for secret diplomacy I your) Independent Insurance II agent the Hanoi Hainhonz The South Vietnamese jumped the court-martial of a captain who refused to train Green off on a widespread sweep Many of the jstrikeS" were and public debate; in the United Nations to have their chance to SERVES VOU FIRST radar directed, some a't night for several days.Surgery workout a'soIutionJ' verdict in the court-martial parently it provides part of the basis for the belief in Washington that the Soviets are urging restraint. Wilson was preceded here last week by George Thomson, minister of state in the British Foreign office, who conferred with Rusk and other State Department officials on contingency plans for the future. Wilson and Johnson each have declared publicly that the Gulf of Aqaba and the Strait of Tir- consider this so far! dawn and wiuun noursmr tne guerilla battahonpfbout 500 men in a coastafarea of sand dunes, loW hills' and brush wherett has long operated. The Air orcejnundercnief jets from Thailand again blasted the Mu Gia pass which funnels most scheduled for today has been postponed.

of Capt Howard B. Levyt30, has succeeded, even though it is ief For fast re! North Vietnamese traffic into Charles Dove," of North Ver attle northeast of Quang Tri of distress from non, is reported in fair ci not certain the IC Security Council wiUtake 'any positive action to maintain peace in the Middle East. The big gain to date from the U. point of view is that Israel and the Arab states have not gone to City was the third in the area in the past two weeks. To the west, the Marines were Laos and onto the Ho Chi 'Minn trail.

The Navy's carrier-based planes concentrated on rail and road lines leading south from (ire, storm, accident HOBBS MILLER INSURANCE, INC. PHONE S32-S640 an, leading into it from the Red attempting to dislodge the North of Brooklyn, might come Saturday if the 10-member tribunal decides to work into the weekend. The 28-year-old prosecutor, Capt. Richard M. Shust-erman, requested that a Saturday session be held if necessary.

On Thursday, the military judge knocked down the last major defense theory that medical ethics was1 a legitimate reason for Ly to jefuse to train Hanoi into the lower part of the Sea, constitute an international waterway. country tion at Bartholomew County Hospital, Columbus, where he was admitted after suffering a fractured vertebra in a fall Wednesday morning. The 46-. year-old man fell when a ladder slipped while he was painting the roof of the Dowd Funeral Home. He fell from the upper roof of the structure to a back war.

To rally maximum support among maritime powers for a Vietnamese from a low ridgeline that gives them observation of Con Thien and Camp Carrol, two bunkered Marine outposts just' below the demilitarized zone. The British government has gone beyond the U. S. position publicly in one respect Foreign declaration asserting the Gulf of Aqaba, through which passes Secretary George. Brown told Lshipping to the southern Israeli In this area where sawgrass the Vietnam-bound medics.

porch oof, lani port of Elath, is an international grows live leet nlgn, thel hack. waterway which Egypt has no Col. Earl V. Brown, the military judge, held that Levy had a right under the constitution to theHouse of Commons earlier this week the Wilson government considered any unilateral closing of the waterway "an act of belligerence." U. S.

officials believe the So Marines hit a strong Communist force near noon Thursday and right to close to any shipping To arrange, as a last-re battled' them until sundownrr disagree with U. S. foreign poli- Brpwnstown township Farm Bureau will meet at 8 p. m. Tuesday at the Browns town running into well prepared cy, even in strong and provoca sort, for an international naval force, preferably under U.

N. sponsorship, to challenge the bunkers and trenches. viet government as a maritime nower has a direct interest in school hbrary. There will be Inching forward since then, the Marines directed a hail of Egyptian blockade and open the inatotaining the principle of free amateur contest and the tive language, but had no privilege as a. doctor that would prohibit disobedience to a lawful command.

The defense had contended that Levy, a dermatologist, Ar use of waterways even though artillery and jet strikes on the pyM5astt Mi pei ana noooy club will, give aTather's Day programClar they may be within territorial Red fortifications. ence Pottschmidt is chairman jurisdiction of individual na There was no report yet of waterway to shipping. Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara congressional leaders Thursday the United States is enemy casualties, in the contin and Mrs. Walter Peters is wo-men's leader.

would haveto-violate- his. pro-4rik- foeoinnol' Bull mnral (4AMf1n.n I tions. view has encouraged" uing battle. Scattered actions and Red speculation that ultimately a Clearspring mortar fire were reported all CU1U UiVtCU 9tOMUUU9 if forced to train medics he believes are combat soldiers and use their medical duties for political purposes. trying for- a diplomatic iettle-f along the area below the zone.

solution for the Gulf of Aqaba problem might be found in working out an international agreement recognizing Egyp Clearspring Baptist Church an area shielding the five politi ment ahead of a test of force. Humphrey told newsmen "I have not heard of any such con attendance, 76; offering, $32.73. cally shaky provinces of north Levy could receive a maxi LOAFERS Mrs. Carl F. Walker, of Mon ern South Vietnam.

Sporadic roe, Louisiana, Dr. and Mrs mum of years in prison if convicted of all charges, includ tian sovereignty but providing that the waterway would have to be open to all shipping. fighting also was reported sideration" when asked about reports United States and other maritime powers are plan L. 0. Fish of Soencer.

Mr. throughout the five provinces, ing disobeying an order and pro and. Mrs. Allen Fish of Green For the last week the United moting disloyalty. where Communist infiltration efforts have concentrated for ning to use a naval force in the wood were visitors of Mr.

and States and Britain have bee Defense -attorneys, led by gulf. i Mrs. Charles Bridgewater Wed months. consulting with the world's principal maritime nations, includ nesday afternoon. In the southernmost Quang Ngai-p-U.

S. Army troops sent ing most i'Of the countries of Mr. and Mrs: Edward Denny, CENTRAL LUMBER AND SUPPLY INC. of Columbus, called on Mr. Charles Morgan Jr.

of the American Civil Liberties Union, failed Thursday in another move for dismissal of the disloyalty charges that stem from a letter Levy wrote to a soldier in IRohmn i IOCS Rusk said, "I don't want to get into any question of unilateral action." They reportedly showed the congressmen one proposed declaration of freedom of shipping Western Europe, and Japan and Canada, on a declaration stating last month to relieve pressure on the Marines pursued a Red and Mrs. Glenn Stilwell Satur day night. the right of international pas force dislodged from a mile-long Regular monthly meeting of sage through the Gulf of Aqaba, which said that signers would wtacn jBaid that signers would Phone 522ri32A- jhe Owen township Farm Bueau Prshin(fSts--- 7 In another developmentThursH asseftrighfitf passageThTbugh -j MiqwynirananrTnvm- i day state Department saidj saia. will be Monday, June 5, at bunker complex by naval gunfire Thursday: A spokesman said that no details had been received on what was found in the bunkered fortress uncovered uie guu on oenau ot cm snipping 7: 15 p. m.

at the Clearspring Morgan protested. "There is serving under their flags. High school. This version did hot mention Bible School is being held 5,330 of the: 15,700 Americans who. -were in Israel two.

weeks ago have left of the 2,280 who were in. Egypt have since departed. About 2,100 of the 4,400 who were in Jordan by the fiery, naval rocket barrage. no way to write a letter anymore "without 'saying 'Please don't be disloyal or disaffect' nightly at 6:30 p. m.

at the PUBLIC AUCTION I Will Sll Th Fonowlno Itims On Saturday. June 3 Clearspring Baptist Church. All Serious also was re I don't see how this could preju children arewelcome. ported in the' Mekong Delta, 2 PAIRS 13.00 dice good order and discipline and Syria also have left. Mr.

and Mrs. Pilaris Stilwell, specifically the right of Israeli-flag ships to navigate the gulf, however. One top official said Israel would be unlikely to accept a declaration which did not assert its right to ship through the gulf. An important element in the where the Reds mortared the provincial capital of Tan An 23 of Seymour, and guests of Cali fornia; Mr. and Mrsr Roy Wolfe, miles from Saigon.

of New Albany, visited Mr. The Communists early today in the Army." The two charges which Morgan sought to have dismissed accuse Levy of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman, and of advising, counseling, urging and attempting to cause insubordination, disloyal and Mrs. Glenn Stilwell Sunday Storting at 1:00 P. M. en Stat Read St, 1 mil north of Spraytown, 3 mil touth of Waymanivlllo at Robert's More then Servlc Station.

HOUSEHOLD GOODS -Oe 1 year oW, 1 end tablet anl coffee table, 2 tamper 1 fuel oil hooter, 27S gal. oil tank, tome eld dish, drain pipe for trailer. Construction Work Halted Oh Power Plant PETERSBURG, Ind. (AP- Miss Gladys Brooking, of shelled a camp holding Red defectors, killing one and wounding 28. They followed with a small ground assault which was beaten off with the aid of a circling American twin-engine ANNUAL Bedford, called on Miss Georgia Aynes and Eunishie Moore re ly and refusal of duty.

cently. gehckeu wxmm. Construction work has been GARAGE EQUIPMENT halted by pickets at the Hoosier Reservoir Planning hydraulic ck, frame to pull molortv Oil rack wldlng cart, alactrfc wlrlnaj erating plant near here; The Army charges that in the letter Levy described U. S. foreign policy as "diabolical evil," praised Communists, declared he would refuse to serve in Vietnam, and encouraged the recipient of the, letter to give up his tovolvementin.the.waf.

Seven of the Id members of the court panel must agree for a conviction on any charge. Any Termed xOn Schedule' Picket lines were set up window frame, difforant tliac. coppar tablng, sink, alactrk maforfty standard slsa paracja door many arHdas too numcraiMi fa man Ion Thursday in protest of non-un during the dry, summer months: ion labor working brr part of the Term Cak Not Responsible for Accident The Natural; Resources de -tICSIXa TCVi'XSJnPTCLCmUtTlRfDEPjLXTKEKT, IXC, AT FIRE STATION ON U. S. 31 -JUST SOUTH OFl REDDIN6T0N RAIN or SHINE-Tablea and chairs will be set up in Fire Station.

Wyott Floyd In charg of Barbecuing Chicken-Baked Beans, SUw, Potato Chip, Bread and CofTee or Soft Drink Glad) fs Roberts, Ovnor -A proposed damancMreser- voir on Quick Creek, near Austin, to provide water-supply and recreational facilities for a five-county area, appeared a step closer to reahty Thursday, project The pickets are members of Local 1393, International Brotherhood of Electrical partment reportedly has a request before the state budget agency for costs of construc OSCAR "Pip" ALLMAN, AUC1IONECR The local is based in Indianap number less means acquittal. If there is a conviction, then the defense may offer, testimony and arguments-for reduced or tion plans and their preparation. Land acquisition iunds following a conference of offi will be the next request. suspended sentence before the CASH A GOOD VACATION olis, but claims jurisdiction over traiismission line re cti throughout the state. The non-union help is being used on Hoosier Energy's trans The timetable originally set tribunal fixes the penalty cials of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources ind backers of me project William J.

deputy director of the state up the agencies called for-compietion-or- tne reservoir by 1969. Enjoy a well earned rest with Vacation Money from qs. Stop in Today. From f25.0 to $1000.00. mission line construction by the contractor, Irby Construction peared pleased at unified co of Jackson, Miss.

operation of various agencies which will be concerned with Members of building trades Allis-Chalmers lawn and garden tractor Built tough-like the big ones! Jo LlkoTo Say iYosT unions honored the picket the project and projected that time schedules previously-set Missing Road Markers Found JTwo plastic "cone markers, 4 Claude Lane, assistant to the business manager of IBEW, Check this one out: powerful Briggs and Stratton engine; More -places to attache said the union will continue picketing until union is used to.idivrttraffic while street markings are being used in the power line icon- oretmptements than any other Tractor. 1 C- 1 -V- If '-r-TX struction. up, "will be met" JT Under the proposal, the Scott Countyl Park and Recreational Board" would maintain and operate the planned recreational facilities on the740-acre lake which will be created by the dam; Stucker Fork Con-servancyj-DhUrictiwiU Jre; sponsible for the-water tap, were-f ound- by-Capt Paul M.Cooper about 8:46 p-. m. pnTBWhitte ofBloomington, assistant- to the manager Thursday and taken to the po seatr arms and Extra wide flotation Easy maneu-- VerabllityFPlenty of power orsteep slopesTh ree forward speeds? Come in71; and Allis-Chalmers the: people who make the big tractors.

Hoosier Energy said no deci lice Ujne tnexmareers jjwas sion has been made on the company's course of action. treatment and distribution sysi found at the -intersection of Second and Walnut streetsrthe other at Tipton and Chestnut The- generating station-win supply power to Rural Electric Membership Corporations which Try one in your backyard streets. -JUistinland Little-Vortiiave indicated hey jvcd askto be now buy power from privately owned utilities. ll: Richard Meren Mardne Isaacs llBouVare3ehevedtobeJhe ones previously reported "miss-ing'Lby the state highway while -center lines Hoosier Energy is a division "Just call or stop in and we'll arrange to1- bring a lawn and gaTden tractor or' Mow-Beemower your house. You can out-see how you like it at no expense or obligation to you.

1 riding mower (5-HP) 17." Mows an ic'relin hour. Five pwk Foam-padtkd rseitU Wider low-prexxure tirett. AdjujtUbU? gra.SK to shift -and. drive. Kxccptionally maneuvrabl included in the program.

Two large firmsrMorgan Packing and American Can located in Austin, also would of Statewide Rural Electric Co operative, made up of various were being painted. i Vl county REMCs. benefit from the water- supply. AfAERICArj SECURITY CO. naWnmeprogramruraI Cut-down on calories When the program.

you serve potatoes and -eggs areas of Washington, Itjackson coiwrrs ou)estloam Co. Set out annual flowering plants ahssimrpetuniarand ageratum soon, remind Purdue lor- bre aMastr omit toast or and Jack tOeMChectnwtSt. pnQBieEfsntESSECaUseii 7C3 17. TIPTCn SEYL'OUS 322144 other cereals, suggest Exten son counties would have rural University extension horticul sion food specialists at Purdue Open Mday TB P. Setwrdey TBI M.

turists. University. water distribution; eliminating the necessity for water hauling 4----' -rzz- 2 -ft.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.