Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem/Transcript (2024)


[Somewhere in the year 2008, late one night, a heavily armored van tears through the night at top speed.]


[Inside the van, T.C.R.I. (Techno-Cosmic Research Institute) soldiers armed with futuristic swat weapons sit at anxious attention, sweat glistening on their faces. Their leader, Spider, a super-yoked military commando with a Steven Segal ponytail locks and loads his rifle.]

SPIDER: Listen up! We’re going after Dr. Baxter Stockman. He was TCRI’s lead genetic scientist, but he went rogue, stole billions of dollars worth of research and created an ACTUAL MUTANT. He’s holed up in a makeshift lab of an abandoned building.

[The soldiers look at each other nervously.]

SPIDER: Each of you has been issued a high powered, anti-mutant-neutralizer. Whatever Stockman’s made, this can unmake it.

[Spider pats his rifle.]

SPIDER: Cynthia Utrom herself will be quarterbacking from HQ. Anything to add Cynthia?

[Spider gestures to a monitor with a live video feed to Cynthia Utrom. Cold, heartless, menacing and German.]

CYNTHIA UTROM: This mission is of the utmost importance. Failure will be... frowned upon. Bring me Stockman’s mutant... and whatever he used to make it.

[The soldiers look at each other: was that supposed to be reassuring?]

SPIDER: You heard her, boys, lock and load.


[In the basem*nt of an abandoned building, where exposed pipes drip, drip, drip water down into fetid puddles, Dr. Baxter Stockman, a brilliant, disheveled scientist works feverishly. He mixes various chemicals into a vial of green glowing ooze.]

BAXTER STOCKMAN: I’ve done it, Little One! I’ve perfected the ooze! Are you excited for Daddy?

[We pan down to see that Stockman has an a small creature. The Fly-Baby sits in an old pack ‘n’ play, eating from a cafeteria-size bag of Domino sugar and buzzing happily.]

BAXTER STOCKMAN: My “friends” at T.C.R.I. want to use you as a weapon! I couldn’t allow that. But we’re safe now. Soon, I’ll make you brothers and sisters. A real family for both of us.

[We see pictures of various mutant schematica.. There’s little green vials with newly-created baby mutants floating in them.]

BAXTER STOCKMAN: I never had a family, little one... nobody liked me. I always felt a greater connection to the animals I experimented on than people... So with you and your siblings... I’m creating a family... I think we can finally be happy...

[Outside, there’s a loud BANG! Stockman looks up, terrified.]


SPIDER: Again!

[The S.W.A.T team slams a battering ram, breaking the door down.]

SPIDER: Go, go, go!

[The TCRI soldiers rush into the building.]


[We follow the S.W.A.T team through the abandoned basem*nt into the lab, where they find Stockman frantically trying to pack up his equipment. He holds the vial of ooze.]

SPIDER: Freeze! Don’t move! Where is the specimen?


[The S.W.A.T team finds the Fly-Baby’s crib empty.]

GUARD: It’s not here.

BAXTER: Wait, wait, be careful.

[Spider covers his mouth.]

SPIDER: (to Stockman) Stay quiet.

[A shriek and then the soldiers start getting taken down one by one by Fly-Baby.]

SPIDER: Cease fire! We need them alive! (to Stockman) Don’t move.

[Fly-Baby lunges onto Spider’s face and rips his eyeball from its socket! He screams in agony and fires at Fly-Baby.]

BAXTER STOCKMAN: No! No! Don’t shoot! The chemicals are highly volatile!

[But it’s too late. Spider shoots and the chemicals explode.]


[Baxter leaps toward the Fly-Baby, shielding it with his body but taking the full force of the blast. Both Baxter and FlyBaby are enveloped in flames. When the flames clear, Baxter’s fatally wounded body lies on the floor, still gripping the vuak if iize. The Fly-Baby is nowhere to be seen, seemingly incinerated. Spider dusts himself off and looks at his fallen team. He gets a call from Utrom.]

SPIDER: Cynthia, I’m sorry. We lost everything.


[A frustrated Cynthia sits in a room, surrounded by huge pieces of machinery and vats of chemicals.]

UTROM: Bring me anything you can find. We will replicate his research, no matter how long it takes. Baxter Stockman’s creations MUST live on! And with it a new form of life itself.


[The soldiers grab what’s left of Stockman’s work. As they remove his body, they don’t see the dying Stockman release his grip on the vial of ooze as he fades into the infinite.]

Fifteen years later..

[A mask is laid in a bathing light as green hands slowly grabs it. Swords, sheathed, Sais, gripped, Bo, spunning like a helicopter, nunchucks, ready for whacking. The New York city lid opened up as four creatures burst from the sewers and leap onto rooftops of nearby buildings.]

CREATURE 1: Master Splinter has given us a very important mission for tonight. The target is across the street. We must use stealth and cunning to infiltrate the human world and retrieve...

CREATURE 2: Okay, Batman.

CREATURE 1: I'm just trying to hype you guys up.

CREATURE 2: Give me that list.

CREATURE 3: What else are we getting? Four quarts of nonfat milk...


CREATURE 3: ...ice cream, fruits and veggies… ...and a party-size bag of Cool Ranch Doritos. I like cheese puffs.

CREATURE 4: He was very specific about the party size. He underlined it twice.

CREATURE 1: Donnie, you're on toiletries.

CREATURE 4: Got it.

CREATURE 1: Raph, you're stocking up the pantry. Mikey, you're on junk food.

CREATURE 3: Yessirski.

CREATURE 1: And remember-- don't let any human see you. Because why?

ALL: "Humans are the demon scum of the earth. Avoid them, don't say hi. They lust to murder that which is different from them. To interact with them is to die."

CREATURE 1: And hey, I know that's objectively prejudiced, but that's what Dad taught us.

CREATURE 3: Uh, I think humans seem kind of cool, to be honest. Beyonc...

CREATURE 4: We wouldn't have K-pop without humans.

CREATURE 2: Drake. The GOAT of all time.

CREATURE 1: I would love to have brunch with Tom Brady.

CREATURE 2: Guy Fieri seems like a fun hang. And I've always wanted to go to Flavortown.

CREATURE 1: Look, we all think humans are cool, but we got a job to do. Let's go!

CREATURE: "Let's go, I'm Leo." "I'm the leader."

CREATURE 4: You sound like you have bronchitis.

["Ante Up" playing]

[The blue one covers a security camera inside a bodega. The red one repels down from the ceiling and grabs two loaves of bread. The purple one grabs some toilet paper with his bo-staff. At the docks, the red one leaps onto a shipping container. He grabs a jug of proteien powder. The orange and blue figures leap onto a moving truck and break inside to reveal bags of Party Size Doritos.]


[The creatures ascend the side of a building that has a giant screen on it. We see a news report playing on the screen...]

NEWSWOMAN: Terror strikes the heart of Manhattan yet again today with another brazen and deadly heist. An industrial-grade power converter was stolen mid-transport. Police fear it's connected with a recent string of other deadly thefts. New Yorkers live in fear. Parents citywide are calling for a curfew until the criminal is caught. But the only lead is a mysterious mastermind known on the streets as Superfly.

[On the rooftop, moments later.]

CREATURE 1: Not bad. Heading home on a good note. Get these groceries back--

CREATURE 2: We've been out for an hour. Come on, let's stay out.

CREATURE 1: Come on. We said we weren't gonna do this anymore. Last week was Madison Square Garden to watch the Knicks. The week before that was the Adele concert.

CREATURE 3: She hit them notes like crazy!

CREATURE 2: It was transcending!

CREATURE 1: Splinter's gonna catch on. We're gonna get grounded.

CREATURE 4: He's a shut-in. He doesn't know how long it takes to do things. For all he knows, it takes us three hours to get to the bodega.

CREATURE 1: We told him we wouldn't mess around anymore.

CREATURE 4: There's an outdoor movie night in Brooklyn.

CREATURE 3: Yeah. I hope it's a funny one.

CREATURE 2: I hope it's violent.

CREATURE 4: You need to chill out, Raph.

CREATURE 2: Stop moping, Leo. Let's go!

[The three brothers leap off the roof. The blue one watches them, and then reluctantly follows.]

CREATURE 1: [sighs] Fine. Wait up!

[Ferris Bueller’s Day Off plays on an outdoor screen. The creatures watch from a nearby roof. They are all entranced.]

CREATURE 1: Oh, snap.

CREATURE 2: That vest is a choice.

CREATURE 3 I wish I had hair like that.

CREATURE 4: I wish I had hair, period.

CREATURE 3: We did go bald at a young age.

CREATURE 1: Is this high school, like, in real life?

CREATURE 2: Yeah, you go to high school, you can just hijack a parade whenever you want.

CREATURE 3: Yeah. Can you imagine that?

CREATURE 4: Yeah, I'm totally not jealous at all.

[The creatures look down at the crowd of teens, hanging out... A guy puts his arm around a girl. Leo clocks this, jealous. Some jocks stand around downing beers.]

CREATURE 2: Eh. Maybe one day everyone will love us like everyone loves Ferris Bueller.

CREATURE 1: Yeah. Yeah, you know, maybe one day. Let's get home, guys.

[They take one more look at the people having fun at the screening before they descend into the sewer.]

CREATURE 1: Guys, let's go.

[They sneak past a group of teens on the subway platform.]

TEENAGER: I love being young and free to go places!

[The orange one looks wistfully through a sewer grate out at the city. We cut to the sewer lair.]

CREATURE 1: Everybody be quiet.

CREATURES: You be quiet. I'm literally whispering. I cannot be more quiet. I'll make white noises. Mikey, stop. Dude, that makes it louder.

[A light clicks on]

CREATURE 5: Boys, where have you been? I've been freaking out!

CREATURE 1: We're sorry, Dad. Listen...

CREATURE 2: It was this cat, and you know I'm scared of cats, so...

CREATURE 3: Yeah, the cat.

CREATURE 5: Wait a second. You said you would go shopping, then come right back. Where were you? The cat was--

CREATURE 1: We're sorry, Splinter. The guys wanted to see a movie. I tried to talk 'em out of it.

ALL: Leo!

CREATURE 5: What? You watch a movie with the humans? Ugh!

CREATURE 3: You ratted us out.

CREATURE 5: Hey. Don't use that word that way.

CREATURE 1: I mean, it's 2023.

CREATURE 2: Sorry, Dad.

CREATURE 4: It wasn't that big a deal! We just watched a movie and came back! We're fine.

CREATURE 5: You forgot, huh? You don't remember why human are disgusting monsters? Why they're dangerous? Why they're gonna milk us for our blood?

CREATURE 2: We don't even have nipples!

CREATURE 5: I'm gonna tell the story again.

CREATURES: No! I get a year older every time.

CREATURE 5: Just for that, I tell you the long version.

CREATURE 4: No, no, no!

[A long time ago, in 2008, a small brown rat rummages through garbage.]

CREATURE 5: It all started 15 years ago. I was young rat in my 20s. Look at me! I was so cute. I was on top of the world. No, I was the bottom of the world. It was terrible! Nobody liked me. I had no friends. Raccoons didn't like me. Dogs don't like me. You know who hate me the most? Humans! I had one friend. He was a co*ckroach. We got along very well. His name was Kevin. And then I ate him. One day, everything changed.

[One night, it was raining. The rat entered down a sewer grate for shelter and then he noticed four small turtles covered with a green substance. The rat grabbed a hot dog so the turtle won't eat it but he realized that the turtle was nuzzling him.

CREATURE 5: You was the first things I met that didn't want to kill me or eat me. I couldn't just leave you there.

[Around somewhere safe, the rat dragged an egg carrier with the four baby turtles and looked at the green substance on his hand. It absorbed him and then he started to transform, bones cracking and changing shape of a humanoid appearence. It also mutated the four baby turtles as well.]

CREATURE 5: You was covered in this ooze that someone dump in the sewers. Whatever this wooze was, it transformed us. Because I was older, I became older rat man. You guys was babies, so you stayed baby turtle creatures. If you think about that, it couldn't make more sense. It was weird, but we became a family.

[Throughout the years, the creatures started living togather in the sewers, listening to a record, the rat feeding the babies pizza, bathing them, and putting them to sleep. While running through the sewer, the babies notice colorful lights from the surface. They motion to their father, wanting to venture outside...]

CREATURE 5: You were obsessed with the human world. So I decide to give a shot.

[The mutants emerge in the heart of Times Square. They take in the massive buildings and colorful advertisem*nts. One human noticed the rat man.]

WOMAN: Oh, I am so sorry. Excuse me.

CREATURE 5: [narrating] It didn't go well.

WWOMAN: Oh, my God, it's a rat man!

PEOPLE: Rat man? Everybody, look! It's a rat man!

MAN: It's not a rat man, it's just a bad Mickey Mouse costume. It's real! I touched it!

BYSTANDERS: You rat! Kill the rat man!

[The humans attack the rat man by throwing bottles t him.. He lose his grip on the babies and scatter in all directions.]


[He scoops them up and then the last turtle who is about to be run over by a truck.]

PEOPLE: Look, there he is! That's not a cat. It's a rat!

CREATURE 5: That day I promised to never let you get hurt, ever again. I needed to find a way to unlock ancient secrets of ninjutsu. How to turn a body into a weapon of death. And I found it.

[The way to defend themselves is through a training video on Youtube and he started trianing his sons to become ninjas as they grew older. The origins had ended.]

CREATURE 5: We thought we needed the human world, but we only needed each other. That's why I'm so strict, you know? You boys are all I got. And you're all I'll ever have.

CREATURE 3: You don't know that.

CREATURE 5: I do! You know other mutants my age? It's a really small pool. There's no app to meet other mutant ladies. Trust me. I check every day.

CREATURE 1: Yeah. That's true.

CREATURE 5: Look, I really don't want to do this. No leave the sewer for one month.

CREATURE 3: Seriously?

CREATURE 5: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I made up my mind. That's it. I'm done.

CREATURE 2: This sucks!

CREATURE 1: Hey, Raph, come on.

CREATURE 2: Shut up, Leo.

CREATURE 1: Mikey.

CREATURE 4: Was it worth it, Mr. Leader?

[We cut to the creatures in bed.]

CREATURE 3: Hey, guys? If we weren't monsters that were shunned by society and could actually do what we wanted, what would you guys do?

CREATURE 4: I mean, if I'm being honest, I'd just be normal. You know?

CREATURE 2: Yeah, like go to high school.

CREATURE 1: Maybe get a girlfriend, go to prom.

CREATURE 4: With your rizz, not likely.

CREATURE 2: I just gotta get out of this sewer, man. I like you guys and all, but I simply cannot live a happy life knowing that your faces are the last things I'm gonna see before I die.

CREATURE 1: Well, uh, guess what, guys? It's never gonna happen, so, let's stop talking about it, all right?

[We see a thug in an ice cream truck parked on the street.]

ICE CREAM THUG: Alright focus up... the truck containing the radioactive storage unit is one minute out.

[We see two more men up the block. They’re dressed as construction workers.]


ICE CREAM THUG: Let’s not mess this up guys. Superfly doesn’t take kindly to errors.

CONSTRUCION THUG 2: Any idea what he’s building with all this weird equipment?

CONSTRUCTION THUG 1: Who cares? Hey as long as the check clears, am I right?

CONSTRUCTION THUG 2: Target’s approaching.

[We see an armored truck approaching. The construction thugs throw the spiked belt across the road. The truck rolls over them and crashes into a bus stop.]

ICE CREAM THUG: Sixty seconds till police response.

[The ice cream truck backs up to the back of the armored car as the two construction guys put explosives on the hinges of the door. They blow it off and carry the device into the Ice Cream Truck! ]

ICE CREAM THUG: Thirty seconds we gotta move!

[Everyone pile in and they drove off.]


[The thugs are celebrating as they speed away from the scene.]



ICE CREAM THUG: Hey. let’s not get carried away. Hey, hey everybody keep your cool!

[A cop car turns its lights and siren on and chases after them.]


[They speed away, making some crazy turns, the cops hot on their tail! They reach a roadblock with more cops waiting for them.

ICE CREAM THUG: Guys, there’s no way out of this. What’re we gonna do?

CONSTRUCTION THUG 1: Superfly’s gonna kill us!

[The cop speeds toward them In pursuit of suspects moving south on Broadway. -when suddenly - the whole ice cream truck is lifted off the ground and into the sky.]

COP 2: Whoa whoa-what?!?


[The truck flies through the city, weaving between skyscrapers.]


[The Ice Cream Truck is dropped onto a decrepit freighter. The men recover, disoriented.]

ICE CREAM THUG: Oh, man, what is this place?

[The back door is torn open and we see the thugs recoil in fear.]

ICE CREAM THUG: Dear god. Is that...?

CONSTRUCTION THUG 1: That’s...he’s...he’s...

CONSTRUCTION THUG 2: You really are...

SUPERFLY: Superfly.

[Cut wide as the thugs scream in terror and the truck rocks back and forth. Superfly’s machine parallaxes into frame. It reads “TCRI.”]


[We see mutant genetic blueprints on old charred pieces of paper. We pan off it and move through a lab - past dozens of failed experiments. We land on Cynthia, seated at her control panel, deep in thought. Spider comes in.]

SPIDER: It happened again. One of our trucks got hit - they stole a radioactive storage unit this time.

[Cynthia presses a few keys and a news report plays on her screen.]

TV ANCHOR: Flying ice cream? Another robbery today in midtown Manhattan. New Yorkers were stunned.

[Cynthia looks over to the FLY schematic - clearly recovered from Stockman’s lab. Something occurs to her.]

UTROM: Put tracking devices on all shipments. It’s time we met this... Superfly.

[We opened up on a home video footage.]

CREATURE 3: Stay still. Stay still.

CREATURE 2: Now, now, now!

[Camera whips to the orange one, lobbing a watermelon at him. The red one slices it in half midair.]

CREATURE 4: That is sick, dude!

CREATURE 2: That is awesome!

CREATURE 1: Come on, guys, we just got ungrounded, all right? Let's go home.

CREATURE 2: Leo, can I ask you a question?

CREATURE 1: What, Raph?

CREATURE 3: Is it weird to have your head so far up Dad's butt?

CREATURE 2: Does it smell weird up there?

CREATURE 4: I bet it smells like cheese and Doritos.

CREATURE 1: Ha-ha-ha, guys. Very funny!

CREATURE 4: Sorry, we can't hear you.

CREATURE 3: Your voice is too muffled through the cheese.

CREATURE 2: Try that Batman voice again.

CREATURE 3: Yo, check this out in slo-mo.

CREATURE 4: That's the coolest thing I've ever seen. Hey, let's try that again but with ninja stars.

[Later, the red one gets into position.]

CREATURE 2: Okay, eye of the tiger, Raph.

CREATURE 3: Guys, uh, do I have to be the one to hold this?

CREATURE 1: Yes. Who else is gonna do it, Mikey?

CREATURE 4: Don't worry about it, Mikey. You're fine. Chill. [quietly] He's gonna die.

CREATURE 3: Why did we pick a fruit shaped exactly like my head?

CREATURE 4: Your head looks like Stewie had a baby with "Hey, Arnold."

CREATURE 2: Stop talking! You're ruining my concentration.

CREATURE 4: All right, Raph. Three, two...

[He tosses a ninja star at the watermelon. It slices right through it and falls off the building, hitting someone.]

CREATURE 1: Did you hear that? What was that?

[Down at street level, a teenage girl has the ninja star stuck in her helmet, but she’s okay. ]

GIRL: Hey! You on the roof! You just hit me in the head with a ninja star.

CREATURE 2: What's her deal?

CREATURE 4: She's yelling at us a lot.

CREATURE 1: I think she's mad that we hit her with the ninja star. Maybe we should go down and talk to her. You know, check in on her?

BOYS: "Can we go down there?" What's your pickup line? No, don't sidebar. Huh?

GIRL: This is one of the most--

[While the girl is busy yelling, a man in a hoddie walks up.]

CREATURE 3: I think that guy's helping her.

CREATURE 4: Uh, I think he's stealing her scooter.

CREATURE 3: Hey, lady, behind you!

GIRL: Actually we can skip the conversation, you can just cut me a check

CREATURE 1: No, your scooter!

GIRL: You owe me money!

[The girl noticed her scooter being stolen.]

GIRL: Hey! What are you doing?

CREATURE 3: He's getting away.

CREATURE 2: We tried to warn her. Nothing more we can do. You guys want to grab pizza?

[The thief rides off with the scooter and the girl's backpack.]

CREATURE 1: No. She got her scooter stolen, and it's our fault. We have to fix this.

CREATURE 4: Yeah, that sucks, but do we have to fix this? Technically, she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's not really our fault.

CREATURE 1: I gotta get the scooter back to this beautiful and charming human woman! Alpha formation, go!

CREATURE 4: Whoa. I think all of his hormones just kicked in at once.

CREATURE 3: Follow him!

[They follow after him, landing on the street. The girl hears a thud but doesn’t see them.]

GIRL: Who was that?

{They follow the thief up to a Chop Shop where he runs inside.]

CREATURE 1: All right, guys. Guard the exits. We're gonna need the most foolproof plan. Every single ninja technique. I need you to use stealth to block the doors and--

CREATURE 2: Did you say go loud?


[The red one busts in the front door. They are in a chop shop surrounded by scary looking thugs.]

CREATURE 1: That's a lot of guys.

CREATURE 3: They look really mean.

ThUG: What the heck are those things?

THUG 2: I think it's those guys that work in Times Square. You know, the mascots? Yeah, the GEICO geckos.

THUG 3: They look more like little Shreks to me.

CREATURE 1: This is fine. We've prepared our whole lives for this.

CREATURE 4: We've never been in a fight before. I don't know if you noticed, all I've got is a big stick. How did I end up with a big stick?

CREATURE 3: Maybe we diffuse this sitch with laughter.

CREATURE 1: You're not funny enough for that.

CREATURE 2: Enough talk! I dream about fighting every night.

CREATURE 4: You've got a rage problem, Raph.

THUG: It's not a problem!

[The red one charges at the bad guys but immediately slips on oil and goes down.]

CREATURE 4: Rogue sai!

[The sai pierced right into the violet creature's leg]

CREATURE 1: Oh, my God! Oh, my– I'm gonna be sick.

CREATURE 4: It's still in my leg!

CREATURE 1: Mikey, watch out!

[A fire extinguisher whizzes through the air and knocks all of them down into a pile.]

CREATURE 1: [groans] Okay, we're not off to a great start, guys.

Creature 3: Maybe they'll see the humanity in our tragic backstory.

THUG: Murder the Shreks!

CREATURE 3: They don't see it. They don't see it.

[The thugs charged at them.]

CREATURE 2: Think fast, Leo!

CREATURE 1: What are you doing?

[The red one launches the blue one towards the guy. He lands a flying kick to his face!]

CREATURE 1: All right, Raph, you go left, I go-- [screams]

[The red one ignored him, knocking the thug to the ground.]

CREATURE 1: What the heck? I said go left!

CREATURE 2: [chuckles] I got him!

[Red hit from behind as more thugs come after them.]

CREATURE 1: Mikey, watch out!

[The orange one runs, sliding over a car. He tries to get in but it’s locked! A thug narrowly misses him with a crowbar that breaks the passenger window.]

CREATURE 3: Too slow! Psych!

[Surrounded, the orange one leaps, doing a backflip over the thugs and crashes through the sun roof of the car. The RADIO turns on playing Vanilla Ice’s “Ninja Rap.” The horn blares]

CREATURE 3: Dang, that's loud.

[He hops out and runs across the room, passing the purple one]

CREATURE 4: Back off! I've got a big stick!

THUG: Shrek, you want to die?

[A guy lunges at him. The pruple one pushes a wheel cart towards him, tripping him up. His head SLAMS into a nearby car. Another thug aims a gun at the red one. The purple one throws a wrench at him, causing him to miss and fire at the ceiling.]

CREATURE 2: What the--

[The red one sets his sights on a thug who’s immediately terrified]

THUG: Sorry, sorry.

[The red one throws him across the room. The blue one gets hit in the face with something.]

CREATURE 1: Ow! Quit throwing stuff at me!

CREATURE 4: What do we do?

[the orange one grabs the fire extinguisher to combat the flames.]

CREATURE 1: Save the beautiful human woman's scooter!

[VROOOOM!!! A thug revs a car, headlights on them, The orange one leaps over the car]

CREATURE 3: Eat that, no crumbs!

[The guy keeps trying to hit them with the car.]

CREATURE 4: Okay, chill out!

[-they keep dodging, but it’s getting really close.]

CREATURE 4: Mikey, watch out!

[The purple one throws his staff through the steering wheel locking the car in a hard right turn. It starts spinning around in donuts in the middle of the shop.]

CREATURE 4: He's Tokyo drifting around us.

[The red one springs into action, hops on the roof, reaches in and puts the car in neutral. Its spins to a stop as he lands.]

CREATURE 2: I'm awesome.

CREATURE: Aw, nice!

CREATURE 1: Yeah, Raph!

CREATURE 4: Guys, look around!

[They see all the bad guys are down for the count. They did it- they knocked everyone down.]

CREATURES: We did it! We did that! I totally helped.

[Suddenly someone lifts open the garage door. The creatures whip around, like deer in headlights!]

CREATURE 4: Hide, hide, hide.

APRIL: Hello! I’m an unarmed noncombatant, here for her scooter.

[She looks around.]

APRIL: Whoooaa... ya’ll got your butts whooped. [sets her helmet down on her scooter] This is really not how I thought this night was gonna go. Wait, where’d you guys go?

[A sound of a wrench caught her attention. She turned around and saw four pairs of eyes.]

APRIL: Hey, I see you in there!

VOICES: Guys, I think she can see us./She can’t see us./She can totally see us!

APRIL; I won’t make a big deal about the ninja star, okay? You got my scooter back, so I feel like that’s square, um...

CREATURE 1: Donnie, you go out first, you’re the most inviting and friendly.

APRIL: I get that you have to like, huddle, you know what I mean, but the longer you lurk in the shadows, like, the more sus it gets every second.

CREATURE 4: She said we’re sus! That’s not good! That is not good!

APRIL: Yeah, and now it’s like doubly sus to be whispering about how sus...

[Suddenly, she stopped when the forms pushed out their brother into the light. She gasped in shock, realizing that the creature is in fact, a green humanoid turtle. The rest of them stepped out, revealing themselves.]

LEO: Hey....

DONNIE: Wassup.

APRIL: Oh, you’re like crimefighters with turtle costumes.

[She steps forward to the turtles.]

APRIL: Yeah, I’m gonna be honest, I don’t think all the good animals are taken... sharks...there’s wolves up for grabs… Wow, the costumes are really crazy. These eyes are wet like real eyeballs. How do you get this on and off? That’s your skin! That’s your skin!

[April backs away from Leo.]

APRIL: What’s goin- what- what are you? What could you be?

[They don’t really know what to say.]

MIKEY: Can we explain this over some pizza?

[April takes a beat.]

APRIL: How you guys feel about pepperoni?

ALL TURTLES: She’s down for pizza./Whoah./I didn’t think it would get this far.


[April and the Turtles eat pizza on a rooftop. The turtles all simultaneusly try to explain their origin.]

ALL TURTLES: Long ago, my brothers and I were all a bunch of turtles…/And this guy…/We don’t know where we came from…

[April stops them.]

APRIL: Stop, stop stop stop stop stop!!! (beat) Okay, you were real baby turtles, who made contact with mystery ooze and therefore started to age from mutant baby turtles to mutantturtle-men-guys.

MIKEY: Turtle boys, actually.

RAPH: Turtle men.

LEO: I would say TEENS... ya know, I would say cool teenagers.

[She writes that down.]

APRIL: Teenagers! Amazing, insane. Well tell me more, obviously! I want to know everything about you. Like, like, is there more of you?!

DONNIE: Nope. Just us!

APRIL: (to herself as she writes) They are alone in the world. (to Turtles) And like nobody’s ever asked you about this or talked to you about this?

ALL TURTLES: No./Nope./Yeah, you’re the first one./People should talk to us!

MIKEY: Sometimes we’d pretend to be on Wendy Williams, but that’s it!

LEO: Why you writing all this down?

APRIL: Oh well, I’m journalist. Well, I WANT to be a journalist! I write for my school paper...

LEO: Really? I assume you’d want to be on camera... 'cause you have like a very camera ready look.


LEO: Okay...

APRIL: Listen, that’s why I’m down here - I’m researching my this story on Superfly and his string of supercrimes. See, the police have been talking about implementing this curfew if they don’t find him soon, right? It spooked the parents, and they cancelled prom!! I’m trying to, you know help bring him to justice so everyone can chill out or whatever. But THIS!!! Turtle mutant karate teens! I mean this is a pretty good story!

RAPH: [stands up] Look, I don’t know if we should.

APRIL: Why not?! This is GOLD! This is so good!

DONNIE: We were taught humans would try to destroy us if they ever found out we ever existed. You know, kill us! Or put us in a lab and milk us!

APRIL: I wouldn’t milk you! You don’t even have nipples!

MIKEY: Look, human woman, I got a question, so just be straight with me: do you think there are more people like you? Ya know, people who will accept us?

[Dramatic beat.]

APRIL: No. No, absolutely not. Um, genuinely no. There’s no way.

[The turtles all look visibly disappointed.]

LEO: Alright yep, it’s confirmed, we’re doomed.

RAPH: I knew it.

[Devastated, the turtles begin to leave but April stops them.]

APRIL: Wait wait wait wait. If I’m being honest... I mean, the reason I’m not scared of you is that you guys helped me out. And if you hadn’t and I had just like... stumbled across you... yeah... I would be very scared. I would be really freaked out and disgusted. (checking her phone) Sorry, my mom is texting.

DONNIE: (holding up his glowing phone) Dad is texting us! He’s freaking out a bit.

APRIL: Well, uh, at least all parents are the same?

LEO: 100%.

MIKEY: Yeah for sure.

DONNIE: Our dad is definitely not a giant rat!!

APRIL: (looks to Donnie) That makes me feel like he’s a rat. Well, I’ll airdrop you my contact. And if you ever feel like you want to come out into the world or whatever... just let me know. I would love to write the story about it, seriously. Good night.

[April heads off. Leo watches her go, infatuated.]

LEO: I mean, she seemed cool.

MIKEY: Here he goes again. That’s your type?

DONNIE: Every girl, man...

LEO: I’m not even that into her. (beat) Give me that contact! Give me that contact! Please give me the phone!

MIKEY: You got no rizz!!!!


[The turtles walk through the sewers, high on their encounter with April.]

MIKEY: My mind is just BLOWN! A HUMAN! We talked to a human!

DONNIE: The stick! The stick! You guys saw, I was like whaaa!

MIKEY: I want more guys! I got the taste of life and I don’t wanna wash it out of my mouth! I want it to linger on my tongue, swish around my throat and-

DONNIE: You’re really driving this metaphor into the ground, man.

RAPH: But he’s right! It was too good to give up on!

LEO: But you guys heard April, and the words that came out of her incredibly formed and beautiful mouth... the only reason she liked us was because we saved her. She saw us as heroes.

DONNIE: So... what if everyone saw us as heroes?

MIKEY: What do you mean?

DONNIE: I mean, look!!

[Donnie points up through some sewer grates to a screen that is playing the news on the side of a building. The headline: “SUPERFLY PRIMARY SUSPECT IN LATEST INCIDENT.”]

DONNIE: We use our ninja skills to take out Superfly!

[As Donnie talks, we see the idealized fantasy version.]

DONNIE: We’ll drag him up to City Hall, dump him on the steps for the cops, and say, “We’re the heroes who stopped Superfly! Yeah we look a little different, but we’re on your side!” And everyone will all be like... (bad New York accent) “Hey, those toitles are alright, I’m a cabbie from Da Bronx.” Then everyone in the city will think we’re cool! They’ll accept us! And then, once the overall fanfare has settled down, we’ll enroll in High School, where we’ll be normal if not slightly more popular than average students!

[We see this play out in their fantasy.]

MIKEY: Okay okay, I’m following this! It’s like Hulk in Avengers: Endgame! Sure, he’s a giant terrifying green monster, but everyone knows he saved them, so they’re taking selfies with him in a diner! (To Donnie) You know Mark Ruffalo mostly improvised that scene?

RAPH: Nobody cares about that, okay?! This is a great plan! If this works, I won’t have to hang with you losers for the rest of my life!

DONNIE: That’s very true!

MIKEY: What about Dad though?

DONNIE: I mean, he doesn’t really need to know about it, right...?

[They all look at Leo...]

LEO: Look, if we’re going to do this, we’re going to have to get April’s help. Sounds like she’s been doing tons of research on Superfly. She probably has some good leads.

RAPH: [grabs Leo by the shoulders]Whoah whoah whoah whoah whoah. Whoah! So you’re IN??!!!

LEO: Yeah, I’m in.



[April stands in a subway car. Her phone rings.]

APRIL: Hello? Turtle... fellas? Hey! Is that you guys, for real?


[The Turtles are gathered around the cell phone.]

LEO: (into phone) Hi April. Yes... It’s LEO...

[His voice cracks. The others laugh.]

LEO: Ya know we were talking and we have a proposal.

APRIL: (O.S.) Okay.

LEO: You help us find Superfly, we bring him to justice... You document it all... and when we got him, you release the story, your prom is uncancelled, and we get accepted by the world as heroes.


APRIL: Wow! YES! Uh, yeah, okay sure! I mean if I’m being honest, I totally even stopped even thinking about this...I had a lot of things to do...

[We see her notebook, covered in notes about the turtles.]

APRIL: By the way, do you guys have ears?


MIKEY: Just say yes! Just say yes!

LEO: I think so?


APRIL: (ON PHONE) They think you have ears…

[She writes that down.]

APRIL: (ON PHONE) Okay perfect! Yes, um.


APRIL: (O.S.) How about we meet tonight, 8 pm, Eastman High. Everyone will be gone. And I’ve got all my research in the school dark room.

LEO: Cool. Cool. So uh... it’s a date.

APRIL: Wait, what?

DONNIE: What?!

RAPH: No! Hang up, man! Just stop talking!

MIKEY: Abort! Abort!

LEO: I mean... uh... I have bad service or something, I’ll see ya tonight!!

[He hangs up. Turns to his brothers, smiling.]

LEO: Who’s got no rizz now?

[The turtles FILE out of the sewer, all talking at once. Splinter WATCHES.]

MIKEY: Goodbye, kisses!

SPLINTER: What are they up to?


[The turtles sneak through the city, hopping from rooftop to rooftop.]


[April watches as the turtles descend down the fire escape of a building and land across from the school.]

LEO: Hey!

APRIL: Hey! You actually made it! That seemed very dangerous.

LEO: Oh, that? Ha! Not at all. We eat danger for breakfast.

MIKEY: Actually, I eat pizza with bits of waffles on it.

DONNIE: It’s better than it sounds.

APRIL: It actually sounds delicious, honestly. (holding door open) Okay well, come on in.

[The guys are terrified to enter.]

MIKEY: Really? We can just... go in there?

APRIL: Yeah, of course!


[April ushers the turtles inside.]

APRIL: Welcome to Eastman High.

[They enter as though they’re entering some sacred temple. Fear and reverence and excitement.]


[April watches the turtles take in the school, their eyes wide. We see a “PROM: CANCELLED” poster.]

APRIL: This is very strange. I feel like you guys actually WANT to go to high school.

RAPH: Yeah, we do! We VERY much do! Why don’t you love high school?

APRIL: Oh, yeah, as a very popular and wellliked person I LOVE high school yeah, but don’t worry about me. (beat) Is this living up to your dreams?

DONNIE: No. (then) It’s even BETTER!

[He spots a drawing on a locker.]

DONNIE: Attack on Titan!! Whoever’s locker this is likes anime!! I don’t even know this person and they get me more than anyone ever has!

MIKEY: Guys, look!

[Mikey runs over to a poster that reads IMPROV TEAM TRY-OUTS!]

MIKEY: Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. Improv team tryouts. I’ve gotta sign up. This is amazing!!!!

LEO: Mikey, what are you doing? We don’teven go here.

MIKEY: Yet! The tryouts aren’t for two weeks. We could be enrolled by then! (reading) They need a last name. Wait, what’s our last name?

LEO: I don’t...I’ve never thought about that actually...

RAPH: Do we not have last names?

DONNIE: Who are we?

MIKEY: It’s okay! I’ll just break it up... (writing) Michael Angelo. (Italian accent) Hey! I’m Michael Angelo! Perfecto!

RAPH: That makes you Leo Nardo!


[Leo was not pleased by his brother's antics.]

LEO: It could be Leon Ardo! That’s a cool name! Leon!

APRIL: Guys! Lay off of Nardo! He’s sensitive!

MIKEY: Haha, she called him Nardo, too!

DONNIE: Nardo!

LEO: Hey well, at least I’m not Puke Girl! Ha! THAT is a bad nickname!!

[April notices her locker on it as the others took notice,]

APRIL: We don’t know if that says Puke Girl! It could say Poke Girl! Maybe this girl just likes tuna!

[They see “April O’PUKE” scrawled on the locker.]

RAPH: Oh my god, are you Puke Girl?!!

MIKEY: She’s Puke Girl!!

DONNIE: We all know that does not say poke.

APRIL: Alright, stop! Listen, listen! (beat) I told you ever since I was young I wanted to be a journalist - and so thought I could read the morning announcements... and you know, well... it didn’t go so well.

[In a flashback, we see April on the morning announcements while she narrates what happened.]

APRIL: I dunno, maybe the cameras and attention got to me - and the anxiety made me feel like I was gonna explode... And so...well...

LEO: [shocked] You didn’t.

APRIL: [embarrased] I did.

[And just like that, April vomited out of control as everyone at the cafeteria and the camera crew watched, shocked. She holds up her phone and we see the footage of her puking on the morning announcements.]

APRIL: I went viral. I was remixed. Memed. The sound trended on Tik Tok. I thought, if I use the paper to find Superfly and get prom uncancelled, I can remain FIRMLY off camera, but also... maybe I dunno, be known for something cool instead of..

RAPH: What, being Puke Girl? You don’t want that anymore? No?

[Leo smacks him in the back.]

APRIL: Great, laugh, whatever. But maybe you’re not the only ones who want to be heroes so people like them, okay? Can we go?


[April leads them into the DARK ROOM.]

APRIL: Alright, here’s what I got.

[April presents the turtles with her conspiracy cork board of Superfly!! There’s newspaper clippings of crimes. There’s criminal mugshots, obituaries of criminals, and tons of other insane imagery, connected by a thousand threads. They all orbit a giant question mark towards the top of the board that says “WHO IS SUPERFLY?”]


APRIL: Yes, yes, it’s incredibly impressive. (beat) Okay, listen. Superfly seems to be building something. I mean we’re talking Gru, Megamind type stuff. He’s knocking off insanely, highly technical shipments. State of the art, incredibly expensive. And he pays off thugs to do his dirty work so he can stay completely under the radar. Nobody’s ever seen his face.


APRIL: Because he kills everyone who does!

TURTLES: Woah!!!

RAPH: Cool!

APRIL: No, not cool.

LEO: So... how are we gonna find him?

APRIL: You know the Ice Cream Truck heist last week, right? They stole a radioactive storage unit - and look! I found THIS at the chop shop where they took my scooter -

[It’s a schematic of a radioactive storange unit. She gestures to her board with mugshots of criminals.]

APRIL: They must be doing business with Superfly. That chop shop is run by these guys and their crew.

[She points to pictures of thugs and criminals outside of the chop shop, and other bars and clubs.]

APRIL: Short Sharon, Bald Bronson, Toupee Tom and Normal Nate. They are the ones who can lead us to Superfly. They LOOK AT THE BIG BOARD.

LEO: That’s a lot of leads.

MIKEY: And a lot of terrible nicknames.

RAPH: Still better than Nardo.

LEO: Hey, we agreed on Leon Ardo.

APRIL: Let’s start chasing them down.


[We see:

-Using April’s insane cork board, they target criminals with ties to Superfly.

-The turtles absolutely whipping the sh*t out of men at various chop shops, speakeasies, and gambling dens.

- The turtles sneaking past Splinter as he’s asleep in his chair.

- We see April in the hallway of the school - the kids read her work on Superfly and a kid who was writing “Puke Girl” on April’s locker has stopped half-way through and is reading too.

-The turtles starting to get a little co*cky as they beat up bad guys, seeming to enjoy the process.

-The turtles trying on human clothes in an alleyway as two thugs sit on the ground, tied up.

-The turtles hide human clothes in their room under their beds.

-We see cuts of them interrogating Gangsters (each one looks how they’re described).]

BALD BRONSON: Normal Nate deals with that!

NORMAL NATE: I’m just a legitimate mattress salesman! You want Short Sharon!

SHORT SHARON: (in Cantonese) I don't talk to stupid turtles! You’re looking for Toupee Tom!

TOUPEE TOM: Hey hey hey, I don’t talk but if I did talk, I’d tell ya it was Bad Bernie you were looking for. But you didn’t hear it from me, ya know?


[-The turtles interrogate a final gangster.]

BAD BERNIE: OKAY! I’ll talk! (beat) Yeah alright, my guys stole this radioactive storage unit. But Superfly, he kills them, then he calls me and says I gotta get him another thing, an assimilator. And if I don’t do it, he’s gonna kill me too!



[We see Bad Bernie and his crew taking out guards as they sneak into a secure part of the docks. They open a shipping container. They find a new radioactive storage unit. Bernie smiles.]

BAD BERNIE: So, last night, we got one. The deal with Superfly is tonight, under the bridge. We give him his unit and he leaves us alone.


RAPH: Good. You did good.

[Raph knocks out Bad Bernie.]

LEO: Dude!! He talked!


DONNIE: That was so exhilarating! The adrenaline pumping in my veins is crazy!

LEO: Superfly is making a deal with Bad Bernie’s guys TONIGHT. In an hour, under the Brooklyn Bridge.

RAPH: We show up in Bernie’s van with the goods, and BOOM! Superfly is caught in our WEB!!! Did you get that April? Did you film that?!

APRIL: Sorry am I supposed to film all the stuff you do? Cus a lot of it’s dumb.

RAPH: Yes!

DONNIE: I’ll do the talking! (doing NY accent) “Ehhh... I’m a gangster... I got my puffer and my Tims. I need my bacon egg and cheese too. You got the goods Superfly?!?!”

ALL TURTLES: Bacon egg and cheese!/Lemme get that bacon egg and cheese!/Bacon Egg and CHEESE!/Yo Ock! Lemme get that bacon egg and cheese!/With the bev!/We OUTSIDE!/You heard! Yerddd!/Bacon Egg and CHEESE!

APRIL: Yeah, I don’t think this is gonna help people like you. Just being honest.

ALL TURTLES: Bacon egg and cheese!/Lemme get dat bacon egg and cheese!

[Donnie’s phone rings.]

DONNIE: Uh oh, text from dad.

[Donnie holds it up: BOYS! EMERGENCY! COME HOME!]


[The turtles and April hustle through the sewer.]

APRIL: What do you think is wrong?

DONNIE: I bet that cat is back! He freaks out every time!

LEO: He probably just can’t get the Roku working again.

RAPH: Hopefully it’s quick and we can just meet up with Superfly.

LEO: Alright April, we live just up there, but our dad... he doesn’t really like humans...

APRIL: Rude. I mean to be fair... I don’t love rats, so...

LEO: And that’s totally fair!

RAPH: Understandable. But uh, just wait here, ok? We’ll be back in a few.

[April looks at her shoes in the sewer water.]

APRIL: And there’s a co*ckroach surfing on a turd. Awesome. Good. Love that I’m looking at that.


[The turtles cautiously enter the sewer. The lights turn on!]

SPLINTER: Surprise!!


[They look and see Splinter has set up a little party in the sewer home. There’s a bunch of pizzas laid out.]

LEO: Come on, dad, you really can’t keep scaring us like that.

DONNIE: What is all this?

SPLINTER: Welcome home!!

LEO: Why are there balloons in here?

DONNIE: Dad... what are you doing?

SPLINTER: Look... I’m not stupid. I know something’s up.

RAPH: You do?

SPLINTER: I do. You're done with the sewers. You want to be in the human world. I went through your stuff... and I found your human clothes!

[He shows them the human clothes. The turtles don’t know what to say.]

TURTLES: What?!/Those aren’t ours./How did that even get in our stuff?

SPLINTER: Boys, boys it’s ok. I think I have found a way to make you happy. I brought the human world to you! Look!

[He reveals a bunch of cutouts of celebrities he clearly got from old movie standees: (Chris Pine, Chris Evans, and Chris Pratt).]

SPLINTER: Human friends! Hello! I’m a human. Say hi to Chris! I'm Chris Pine! Look at my eyebrows. I’m the best Chris! Amazing, right?

RAPH: That is…what we love…

[He drapes a towel over his arm.]

SPLINTER: And watch - I'm a waiter! The full human restaurant experience! Sit down! Let me take your order! It could be anything. But it has to be pizza.

[The boys look to the table, then each other.]

TURTLES: Uhhh./Pizza./Right.

LEO: Uh... look dad, we appreciate it, but we still got more errands to run.

[Splinter stops. Looks at his boys.]

SPLINTER: What is going on? What are you doing up there? Don’t lie. Tell me. Are you in trouble? Is something wrong? Is someone trying to milk you?

TURTLES: No!/Ew!/It’s never milking!/Why would somebody do that?!

DONNIE: Why do you always jump right to milking?!

SPLINTER: Do you need help? Anything you need, I’m here.

[They look to each other.]

LEO: No. Dad look, we’re just running errands, shopping, getting the stuff we need to live down here.

SPLINTER: Really? That's it?

LEO: Yeah. That’s, that is quite literally it.

RAPH: Nothing else.

LEO: Alright, well, hey, thanks for the surprise...party.

RAPH: Yup, appreciate it dad. We will be leaving....

LEO: Goodbye.

[The turtles leave. Splinter watches them go.]


[The turtles pull up in the van under the Brooklyn bridge where countless gangster scenes have taken place.]

RAPH: Wow, you’re actually a good driver, Donnie.

DONNIE: Countless hours on Forza Horizon finally paid off!

APRIL: (O.S.) (through headset) Hey guys.

LEO: Uh hello, April, you there?

[We see April, filming from a vantage point not too far away. They talk through a bluetooth earpiece.]

APRIL: Yeah I got you. (beat) Now just know, this footage is going to be the definitive imagery of your entire existences... so um... like don’t make it lame or anything.

RAPH: Good one!

MIKEY: Hey, we’re not the ones who puked on camera.

LEO: We would have to try really hard to do that, actually.

DONNIE: Hey shut up shut up look! Here he comes!

[We see a two awesome cars and a motorcucle slowly approaching.]

Mikey: Look at those cars!

RAPH: He’s got some swagger to him!

MIKEY: This guy is Superfly!

DONNIE: The horsepower must be crazy!

MIKEY: I mean, look at those rims bro!

LEO: Alright guys, there’s two cars and a motorcycle, that’s like ten dudes tops.

RAPH: Oh man, they’re gonna be SO SCARED when they see they’re about to roll up on a bunch of mutants! HAHAHA!!

[ANGLE ON: Superfly’s cars pull up across from the Turt’s Van. One of the car door opens, and a dark figure emerges, the car raising from the relief his massive weight. The figure steps into the light. It’s a giant warthog man. The turtles look shocked. Beside him was his rhino partner. The mutant holds up an 80’s style boombox and hits PLAY.]


APRIL: Oh my God, I’m gonna win a Daytime Emmy.

MIKEY: What do we do, Leo?

LEO: Uh, I dunno I...

DONNIE: You’re the leader! You should know!

RAPH: Alpha? Alpha formation?

DONNIE: You don’t even know what Alpha Formation is!

[As the opening chords echo out, we see another door open. A monsterous foot steps out. We get glimpses of this creature as it emerges from the car, and steps towards the gangsters to the beat of the music. We see a giant claw, anennae, weird hands giant wings (one of which is half missing). The creature is finally revealed - It’s a hulking, terrifying fly man.]

DONNIE: What is that?

[From the cars behind him emerge his crew.]

SUPERFLY: (yelling to the van) Yooo!!!! Come on ya’ll! Let’s get the goods!!

[He rips the front of the van, revealing the turtles.]




SUPERFLY: WHAT?? What the- Y'all some little tortoises huh? Damn! Look at ya! Y’all adorable man! Bad Bernie’s got some turtles on the payroll!

LEO: No, we don’t work for Bernie! We’re here to find you!

DONNIE: I can’t believe there are OTHER MUTANTS!! Like US?!?!

SUPERFLY: This is WILD! I mean this is crazy, like...lemme guess, 15 years ago right, some sludge was dumped in a sewer and ya’ll came from that?

RAPH: We prefer the term “ooze” but yeah.

LEO: It like more like, it’s just...

RAPH: It just rolls off the tongue better yeah.

ALL TURTLES: Ooze. OOooozzze.

LEO: It’s nice right? It’s ooze.

SUPERFLY: Damn!!! Ooze! I like that! I like ooze! (beat) So look look look. That same ooze made me!! Okay? My dad, Baxter Stockman, he’s the one who dumped the ooze down the drain baby! So technically we’re cousins. What up cuz!

RAPH: That’s awesome man!

MIKEY: Wow! I’ve always wanted a cousin!

SUPERFLY: Well, look at you now, you got a bunch!!! (beat) I’m so sorry! I didn’t introduce my peeps! This is Bebop and that’s Rocksteady.


[Scene cuts to a female fruit bat wearing goggles and robotic wings.]

SUPERFLY: Right here we got Wingnut.

WINGNUT: Hi! Wing Wave!!

[Wingnut waves her wing. Superfly shows Ray, a blue manta ray with one left eye and snorkel goggles.]

SUPERFLY: We got Ray Fillet-


SUPERFLY: Stop singing, fool! Just say your name normal, man.

RAY FILLET: UH, Ray Fillet.

[A gator woman with night goggles, a hat and jacket is introduced.]

SUPERFLY: This is Leatherhead -

LEATHERHEAD: Ayy!! G’day Fellas!

[A male frog with a jacket filled with knives is introduced.]

SUPERFLY: Genghis Frog.

TURTLES: Awwwww.

MIKEY: Look at the little jacket!

RAPH: Goochie goochi goo. Peekaboo! Peekaboo!

GENGHIS FROG: Don’t patronize me.

SUPERFLY: We working on that name. Your name is wack man! That’s Scumbug. She only speaks vermin.

[An insane co*ckroach lady waves, making a gurgling sound.]


SUPERFLY: And that’s Mondo Gecko.

[Mondo, a space hippie lizard with a red headband, yellow hair, a jacket and colorful wristbands moves in for the hug.]

MONDO GECKO: Hey, what’s up Bros!! I’m a hugger! Get in here! Get in!

[He hugs Mikey.]

MIKEY: That one seems cool. I like his vibe!

MONDO GECKO: I like your vibe!

MIKEY: I like YOUR vibe!

MONDO GECKO: I like your vibe!

MIKEY: I like YOUR vibe!

MONDO GECKO: Digging your vibe.


SUPERFLY: Mondo! Quit hugging everybody!

LEO: YEAH! Remember why we’re here! The story!

DONNIE: We know you’re building some sort of super weapon!

SUPERFLY: Weapon?! I’m building the OPPOSITE of a weapon! Weapons kill! What I’m making will CREATE!

MIKEY: Okay, I’m leaning in.

LEO: What are you building?

SUPERFLY: If we’re gonna chat, let’s go somewhere fun.


[The group files into a bowling alley. On their way in, Scumbug turns the neon “Open” sign off. The mutants all chill in the bowling alley/arcade. Michelangelo bowls a strike.]

MONDO GECKO: Cowabunga brosef! I just made that up.

[Ray Fillet passes Superfly.]

RAY FILLET: (singing) Ray Fillet!!!!

SUPERFLY: Hey, watch that stinger.

RAY FILLET: Okay Fillet.

[Raph, Bebop and Rocksteady play with punching bag game.]

RAPH: This is amazing! I’ve never met anyone else as angry as me!

BEBOP: What’s NOT to be angry about, huh!!??


[Rocksteady picks up the whole machine and smashes it. They all laugh.]

RAPH: Man, you guys get it!!

BEBOP: That was good!

ROCKSTEADY: That was great!

BEBOP / ROCKSTEADY: It was awesome!

[Donnie is playing an arcade games with Wingnut and Leatherhead.]

DONNIE: Dang, you guys are good!

WINGNUT: It’s pretty much all we do!

[GAME OVER comes on the screen.]

DONNIE: Out of quarters!

LEATHERHEAD: Don’t worry I got ya, mates!

[She chomps the machine and quarters pour out!]

WINGNUT: Game on!!!

DONNIE: This is amazing!

[Mikey is with Mondo Gecko, putting their faces in the bowling fan.]

MONDO GECKO: Check it, check it, check it - (face in fan) A BLAHAGALGGLAGALAGLGLAGL!

MIKEY: Yo, check this! (face in fan) HARLFAFALFLAFLFLALFLFLA!

[Scumbug comes over and puts her face in the fan. Green slime flies everywhere.]

MICHELANGELO/MONDO: AHHH!!/That was a juicy one!


[April watches from across the street. She speaks into her earphones.]

APRIL: Hey guys? What’s going on in there?

[Leo speaks quietlynto his earpiece.]

LEO: (quiet) Still... not sure if I’m being honest.

APRIL: Okay well ask him more questions! Figure out what the hell is going on with this dude!

[A bunch of pizza and snacks are laid out on a big table. Everyone gathers around and starts to eat.]

LEO: So um, maybe you can finish explaining like exactly where you came from and what you want and stuff?

SUPERFLY: What do I want? Oh, easy. Acceptance.

[The turtles look at each other.]

LEO: No way, man! We want that, too!

SUPERFLY: Lemme go back to the start...


SUPERFLY: My earliest memory in the world is my dad telling me that he never was accepted... he just wanted a family man. That’s why he created us. But then...that’s when the people he worked for sent the ops through. They took it from him. I rescued my little baby brother and sister, and since I was the oldest, ya know, I had to raise them.

[WE SEE THEM SETTLE DOWN in the ship graveyard. They watch an ad for an italian restarrant on TV.]

BEBOP: He did a great job.


BEBOP: We’re very well adjusted!

SUPERFLY: Anyway... We thought... these humans, yeah they murdered our dad, but, maybe they just ain’t ALL bad, you know? (beat) We went out and we hit the town. And... it didn’t go well. Especially this one dude man... he wouldn’t stop chasing us. He wanted to kill us!

LEO: Oh my god! That’s what happened to us!

DONNIE: That’s why our dad made us live in the sewer our whole lives.

SUPERFLY: Well not me! That sounds like a punk choice. You know what I did? I beat that fool down. I touched that chin, molly whopped him! Wop wop. To an inch of his life. Bop!

[Superfly crushes a bottle of ketchup. It splatters all over.]

SUPERFLY: And then, I knew what to do. I decided to kill ALL the humans, and let the MUTANTS RULE THE EARTH!!

[The Turtles stare at him in shock.]

MIKEY: That’s a take!

SUPERFLY: I inherited my dad’s mind for science and I thought, what if I built a machine to enact my plan!? I’ve been stealing all the parts that I need, and now, I’m ready! (beat) I’m gonna use a little of my blood to create a weaponized version of the ooze, then we gonna LAUNCH it into the atmosphere and watch it VAPORIZE! Here’s the kicker, every animal on EARTH will be transformed into a mutant. Every fly, flea, tick, snake, fish and whale. Everything! And we become the dominant species on earth.

APRIL: (listening in) That’s bad! That’s very bad. For me.

DONNIE: Wait, what happens to humans in this plan of yours?

SUPERFLY: Nothing good!

MONDO GECKO: We wish there was another way to feel safe and happy, but peoples...they gotsta go.

SUPERFLY: A bunch of ‘em gonna be eaten, enslaved, turned into a fuel of some sort. Maybe they’ll become a form of entertainment, know what I mean? You know how they used to have the dog shows and the horse races? Well maybe we’ll have red head shows, fat booty boy races. Baby tossing. Something like that, you know, I’ll think of something stupid.

APRIL: Wow, that’s...that’s even worse.

ROCKSTEADY: They should be pets!


[Superfly gets up and walks out - Everyone follows.]

SUPERFLY: Honestly I’m open to all ideas. You know what I mean? Any crazy thing ya’ll think of I want to do it. You know what I mean? Just pitch it as soon as possible.

[He motions to the giant storage device from the back of the van...]

SUPERFLY: Cus now that I got this, I can complete my device and... acceptance will be ourssszzz.

[The mutants cheer. The turtles look to each other.]

SUPERFLY: So what’s up, you wanna roll with us? Cus we can activate the machine tonight!

ALL MUTANTS: Yeah!/Take over!/Yay Fillet!/Yeah little dudes! Yeah!

APRIL: Hey... just checking in, you stopping them now? Or you gonna make me film you supplying an evil villain with the last piece of his horrible puzzle? You’re gonna stop him?! You’re gonna stop him. Somebody? Just talk so I know you’re gonna stop him.

LEO: (to Superfly) Yo uh Superfly... So what if we’re actually, like... I dunno I’m just like, I’m getting silly here, what if we’re not into the plan? What if we don’t like it, what would happen?

RAPH: Yeah, just hypothetically speaking, obviously.

[Superfly stops and turns slowly to the turtles.]

SUPERFLY: Well... that would mean that I was wrong about you. And you’re all not as cool as I thought you was. And that right there... would piss me off.

[Superfly stomps on a fire hydrant, crushing it like a tin can.]

ALL TURTLES: Woah!/Uh.../We uh.../We don’t...

SUPERFLY: I’m about to go to 100 on y’all.

ALL TURTLES: No no no!/No!/Cousins, remember!/Cuz!

SUPERFLY: Man, don’t cuz me right now man! Drop that man, that’s got nothing to do with that.

LEO: Listen man, we were just joking around because we are in fact very into your plan. It’s like great. I love the killing people part.

APRIL: Yeah... I’ll cut around that.

DONNIE: (to the turtles) Guys I got an idea. (to Superlfly) So uh, S-fly my man, we’ll drive the van with the storage unit, and you lead the way!

APRIL: Nice. Smooth.

SUPERFLY: Cool, but I drive fast, and I don’t want y’all to get lost. So Mondo, Wingnut, Rock, ride with the tortoises.

MONDO GECKO: I’ll drive!!

RAPH: You’re uhh, you’re good to drive?

MONDO GECKO: (laughing) No!

[The turtles get in the back of the van trapped and terrified. Mondo Gecko pulls away.]


[The turtles whisper in the back. Mondo and Wingnut are arguing about what to play on the radio.]

WINGNUT: Spice Girls! Put ‘em on!

MONDO GECKO: You don’t like Phish?

WINGNUT: What? Phish? No, Spice Girls!!

MONDO GECKO: Jam bands are the best bro!

WINGNUT: No, jam is something you put on toast!

[In the back, Leo mouthed Donnie to think of something. Donnie leaned his head outside.]

DONNIE: Hey dudes, fun cruising with you but...where are we going exactly?

MONDO GECKO: Oh, see that building over there? That’s not it. Haha no, we’re going to the this super cool shipping graveyard over in Staten Island. It’s the best borough, bro.



[April follow the vehicles her scooter, struggling to keep up!]

APRIL: Okay, it’s go time! Attack these fools!

RAPH: (whispering) Not sure that’s as easy as it sounds. I mean this dude is literally a rhinoceros man.

MONDO GECKO: I gots an idea. How about something we can all sing along to?!!

[“What’s Up” by 4 Non Blondes comes on the radio.]

LEO: (whispering) But look, if we jam the breaks, they’ll just fly out the front of the car. There’s no windshield or anything.

MIKEY: It’s impossible. We’d need like a long and narrow device that’s small enough to get under the seat, but strong enough to press the pedal.

DONNIE: You mean... a stick?

MONDO GECKO: I got it! 4 Non B’s!

[ANGLE ON: MONDO, WINGNUT AND ROCKSTEADY. They’re all singing along to the radio.]

WINGNUT: How good is this?!

DONNIE: Time of my life!

WINGNUT: God, they’re good!

[They all start to sing along! Then- Donnie’s stick slides under the seat and jams the breaks! The van stops, causing the three mutants to fly out in front of the car, glass shattered everywhere as everything went into slo motion . As Mondo flies, he looks at Mikey.]


MIKEY: Sooorrrryyyyyyy....

[Superfly stopped, seeing the van make a hart turn and speed off, the mutants left on the ground in normal speed.]

SUPERFLY: What the-?!

APRIL: Dang, ya’ll better hurry!

BEBOP: Hey, you hurt Rock, I hurt you!


[Donnie drives as fast as he can! The turtles speed down the road. April is on a parallel road, watching the action unfold.]

DONNIE: Don’t worry guys! I got this!!

[Scumbug appears and pukes all over the turtles, then flies away!]


DONNIE: I don’t got this! I don’t got this!

[He swerves around!! Bebop’s monster truck pulls up alongside the turtles van]

BEBOP: You’re dead, tortoises!!

[Donnie swerves them into parked cars. -but Bebop easily drives over them.]

BEBOP: You can’t stop me it’s a monster truck dummos! Get ‘em, Mondo!!!

[Mondo Gecko leaps onto the roof.]

MIKEY: Donnie!

MONDO GECKO: [angrily] Yo dudes! You launched me out of the front of that van! That is not cool!

MIKEY: I’m so sorry, we had to!!!

MONDO GECKO: You know what? I don’t accept that apology!

RAPH: Yeah, I’m not sorry at all, I’m not gonna lie!


[Raph punches Mondo in the face sending him flying from the car. Mondo lands on his tail roller skate and keeps a grip on the bumper. On the other side, Rocksteady sideswipes them with his motorcycle. Leatherhead tries to get on board the van from her motorcycle!]

ROCKSTEADY: Hey, I’m back ya green punks!

LEATHERHEAD: Stop it ya bloody hooligans or I’ll bite ya bloody heads off!

[Wingnut swoops in front of the van!]

WINGNUT: Superfly is almost here and he’s not going to be as nice about this!

LEO: You’re not being nice!

WINGNUT: He’ll be less nice!!

[Superfly floors it, catching up to them.]

MONDO GECKO: It’s now or never dudes! Give us the device!

[Superfly effortlessly rips the back off the van. Donnie adjusts the rearview mirror and sees him, huge and terffifying.]

SUPERFLY: 6 in the morning, police at my door.

[Superfly punches Raph in the face, knocking him unconscious. Leo tries to draw a sword but it gets stuck in the roof of the van! Superfly grabs his other sword and pins Leo against the wall.]


[Michelango pulls out his nunchucks. Superfly snips the chain making them useless.]

MIKEY: My ‘chucks!!!


[Superfly rips the steering wheel off! He grabs Donnies bo staff and pushes Donnie’s foot against the accelerator, wedging it agains the ceiling!]

DONNIE: No! He used my stick against me!!! Ah! Now he’s molly-whopping me!

[Donnie gets grabbed by the throat by Superfly and then tossed away. The van accelerates!]

SUPERFLY: Man, I almost thought y’all was cool. See you in hell turtles!

RAPH: Quick, grab it!

[Leo lunges out of the van, grabbing one end of the device while Superfly firmly holds the other. Mikey grabs Leo by the legs, trying to to reel him back in. Raph and Donnie held them onto Mikey.]

LEO: I’m getting ripped in two!

[Superfly flies away with the Device, the hot rods peel off into the night and the turtles crash off of a freeway overpass. They land on the street, front first. Lifting up his head, Leo looked and all he pulled out was a small tracking device attached to the unit. Totaling the van just as TCRI pulls up on them. The soldiers look at them.]

SPIDER: Go go go go! Surround them, make a perimeter!

[Weak and beaten, the turtles see April on the overpass.]

LEO: [weakly] April... Help...

[But she sped off, leaving them behind.]

SPIDER: Say goodnight, freak.

[Spider hits Leo in the face, knocking him unconcious along with the rest of brothers.]


[he turtles COME TO - in an industrial-sized laboratory - hooked ip right to a massive machine.. Leo slowly opened his eyes and looked around]

LEO: Wha...what? What’s happening? Hey! Let us out! Come on!

[A huge security team guards them, heavily armed. Out steps Cynthia Utrom.]

UTROM: Why hello turtles. I’ve been looking for you for a long, long time.

DONNIE: Look, lady! I don’t know what you want from us, or why you talk so scary, but we shouldn’t be in here! There’s a fly monster--

[Utrom hit’s a button that shocks Donnie!]

UTROM: I will do the talking. I am Cynthia Utrom... and you are my property.

LEO: What...

[She shocks them!]

RAPH: Hey!

[She shco*ks them again!]

MIKEY: Stop!

[Every time they tried to plead, they get shocked over and over again.]

UTROM: Enough! I will use you to create a stable mutagen. (beat) And with that, I will create an army of Super Soldiers! Dolphin men to plant bombs on submarines -

[She prokects a holographic dolphin men blueprint.]

UTROM: ...Eagle men to fight enemy jets -

She shows an eagel man blueprint.

UTROM: ...Snake men to SLITHER behind enemy lines...

[She shows a snake men blueprint. They all have mechanical electrodes hooked up to them.]

UTROM: The glory of it all nearly brings me to tears.

LEO: What does this have to do with us?!

DONNIE: Yeah! What do you want from us?

UTROM: What I want... is your blood. And there’s only one way to get it.

DONNIE: Oh no!

LEO: I can’t believe it!!

RAPH: She’s gonna..

UTROM: Hook them up to the milking machine.

ALL TURTLES: Ahh!/Dad was right!/She’s gonna milk us!


[A few gentle guitar notes are solemnly heard. A beautiful somber and slowed down rendition of WHAT’S UP begins, sung with an unbelievably beautiful voice.

[Wingnut, Leatherhead and Bebop work diligently. Superfly lands in his lab holding the equipment. Superfly starts connecting pieces of the machine, hurrying towards completion. THE CAMERA slowly reveals a massive machine. Superfly has a look of evil determination in his eyes. The mutants have a sad look in their eyes.]

SUPERFLY: Ray Fillet, man shut your mouth! If I wanted to be sad, I’d go listen to some damn John Legend.

We reveal Mondo is on the guitar with Ray Fillet singing beside him.


MONDO GECKO: Sorry bro...

SUPERFLY: Remember this is a happy day! Because we’re gonna kill every human on this big ol’ ugly Earth! So smile Mondo!

[Superfly stares at his machine, a look of madness in his eyes, whereas the mutants exchange sad looks.]


[Splinter sits alone, watching the party balloons deflate. He thumbs through family photos. In one, he and the kids are happy. In the next, they’re teenagers and look miserable. Splinter sighs. Then, hears footsteps behind him.]

SPLINTER: Boys? You came home? You forgive me? My surprise party worked?

[He turns to see April.]

SPLINTER: Ah! GET BACK! I’ll bite you!!

APRIL: [holding up her hands.] Heyyyy Mr. Rat...man... I’m April, I, uh, I come in peace! I’m friends with your sons.

[Splinter is confused by this.]

APRIL: And right now, they’re in trouble.


[As soon as Splinter's fears were coming true, the turtles are getting themselves drained from their blood.]

MIKEY: Ahh! No no no no! Stop it! Ahhh!

LEO; That looks bad!

DONNIE: Does it hurt?!

MIKEY: Of courses it hurts!! She’s milking me!!!

[We see his blood draining out of him via tubes.]

RAPH: Try to think of something pleasant to take your mind off the pain!

LEO: Yeah yeah! Think of pizza Mikey! Think of the pizza!

MIKEY: No! Pizza’s made of cheese! And cheese is made of MILK! And I’m being milked!! It’s infiltrated my every thought!! AHHH!!

LEO: I’m so sorry Mikey!

[Everyone sobbed in pain Utrom gestures to a giant container filling slowly with his ooze blood.]

UTROM: Continue milking them until we have the required amount.

TURTLES: AHH!!!/This lady’s evil!/Oww!

[She leaves. Raph starts getting milked.]

RAPH: Well, this is it guys. We’re gonna die here getting milked to death in a lab!

LEO: I can’t believe April just left us... I mean... Maybe she was just using us...

[The hang their heads.]

RAPH: Well, she ended up getting a great story. “Turtle boys GIVE supervillain last part of his evil machine...”

LEO: You know that’s actually a pretty good title I guess.

DONNIE: Yeah, very click-baity.

MIKEY: I’d definitely give that a read.

RAPH: I have so many regrets!

MIKEY: I wish I could tried frozen yogurt!

LEO: You could have!

MIKEY: I know! And I blew it!

DONNIE: I just wish I could see BTS IRL.

LEO: We could, uh...

RAPH: I guess we could sing.

LEO: We could do some of the songs for you.

MIKEY Yeah, I’m down.

DONNIE: Really? That would be great.

LEO: (singing) Smooth like butter...come on guys.

[They started to sing softly]

DONNIE: You guys don’t even know the words.

[And then... the lights went out in the room. All of the guards outside take a defensive pose. ]


[Utrom sees an alarm go off. TCRI Guard rushes in the room.]

UTROM: What? What’s happening?

TCRI GUARD: We have a breach.

UTROM: Why did the milking stop?!

TCRI GUARD: Moving Ms. Utrom to a secure location.

SPIDER: Someone’s here.


[The guards search around for the unseen intruder. Splinter falls from the air vents!]



SPLINTER: Stay back everyone! Stay back! I’m just here for my boys, who lied to me! They are in so much trouble right now!

TCRI GUARD: Oh is that so, Ratatouille? Grab another machine and hook him up like the others.

SPLINTER: Don’t call me Ratatouille.

[The guards begin to attack Splinter, but he started to battle them.]


MIKEY: Yeah! Kick his butt dad!

LEO: Yeah, get him, dad!

TCRI GUARD: Where you gonna run to, rat?

[More guards show up. Splinter has to genuinely fight for his life. He uses the objects in the lab and the environment itself. A guard shocks him and another throws him against a storage locker which falls directly on top of him

The Turtles gasp.

Then— a sword rips through the side of the locker. Splinter emerges dawning all the turtles! He uses them to finish off the guards, who don’t stand a chance. Finally, he’s victorious. He hits the control panel and releases the turtles.]


SPLINTER: [rushes over] Boys! Are you okay?

TURTLES: Yes!/We’re good!/Thank god!/We’re more than okay.

LEO: How did you find us?!!

[April comes in though a vent!]

APRIL: Listen, I’d be a pretty big piece of crap if I didn’t at least try to get your dad to come help you.

LEO: April!!!

DONNIE: Did not see that coming!

[The turtles rush up to April.]

SPLINTER: This human told me you lied to me. What happened?! What have you been doing?!

TURTLES: Nothing./Ah.../It’s...

SPLINTER: [notices the milking machine] Wait a minute. What is this machine?

TURTLES: Uhhh, this machine? Nothing./It’s nothing.

SPLINTER: Does that say milking machine?!?

TURTLES: No! / It’s the opposite of that!/ Does it?

APRIL: ...it’s a milking machine.

SPLINTER: See! I told you they’d milk you!

APRIL: [holding her stomach] Now I actually might puke.

SPLINTER: Boys, you left the sewer and got milked! You helped some evil fly man create a machine that is gonna destroy the world, and kill the only good human, April. So we’re going to clean up your mess then go home and stay there forever, ok?

LEO: What about April’s story?

SPLINTER: Forget the story! April, go home! It’s over! Ok?

TURTLES: [sadly] Okay./We get it./Alright./Fine Dad.

SPLINTER: There’s only one way for you to be safe and happy, and that’s LISTEN TO ME! Let’s go.


[As the turtles had recovered their weapons and belongings, they leave the building, April goes one way, the turtles and Splinter go the other.]

LEO: Sorry we couldn’t help you get Prom un-cancelled.

APRIL: Nah, it’s alright. Seeing you guys make so many mistakes just to get people to like you made me realize I was definitely doing this for the wrong reason.

[April walks over to her scooter, which has a flat tire.]

APRIL: Oh, perfect.

[More guards arrive at TCRI on motorcycles. They run inside.]

TCRI GUARD: Backup arriving now! Sealing off the entrance!

[April eyes the bikes left unattended.]


[The turtles and Splinter arrive at the boat graveyard. They cautiosly approach the only boat the has light emitting from inside.]


[The turtles and splinter drop into the ship, ready for action. But to their surprise - there’s nobody around.]

Mikey: Maybe they decided to just like, give up and go bowling again?

SUPERFLY: Naaahhh fam...nah!

[Superfly and his crew emerge from the shadows.]

SUPERFLY: We just one step ahead of y’all!

BEBOP/ROCKSTEADY: Back it up. Move Bro./Betrayers!

LEATHERHEAD: G’day mates.

MONDO GECKO: Hey, what’s up, bros?

[The surround the turtles and Splinter.]

SPLINTER: I don’t want to fight another mutant, but I will!

SUPERFLY: Y’all just won’t quit, huh? What is it about these stinkin’ humans that you love so much??

DONNIE: Humans are complicated creatures! They’re good, like April! And bad - like that lady who milked us!

WINGNUT: Sorry, did what now?

SPLINTER: As much as I don’t like them, and trust me, I do NOT like them - if we kill them, we are no better than they are!

LEO: I REFUSE to accept that you all are cool with brutally killing all of them! You just can’t be! You’re awesome! You’re fun. We... vibed.

RAPH: We vibed!

MIKEY: You’re not killers! I mean come on, look at you!

MONDO GECKO: But it’s the only way we’ll be accepted.

RAPH: No! That’s not true!

MIKEY: We accept you!

[This lands with the mutants.]

LEO: You can come live with us! We accept you!

SPLINTER: Yes! Plenty of room!

[The mutants all look to each other.]

RAY FILLET: I kinda don’t want to murder everyone on Earth. And I kinda just want to sing. Ray Fillet!

WINGNUT: Yeah, it’s a good point. I’d rather not murder tons of people, cause like, what if I’m haunted by the faces of my victims in my sleep?

LEO: Murder is a heavy burden.

MONDO GECKO: Bro, you’ll...you’ll really let us live with you?

MIKEY: Of course bro!


MIKEY: Broski!


MIKEY: Brosef!

MONDO GECKO: Abracada-bro!

SUPERFLY: What the hell ya’ll doing?!! Man, stop this kumba-ya I love each other stuff. Kill them fools!

[Mondo cowers for a brief fearful moment, then rallies his courage. He throws down his crowbar.]

MONDO GECKO: Uh, no, we don’t wanna do this. And really, I don’t think we ever did! We just didn’t know there was any alternative, but now that we met these dudes we see that... there IS! So let’s just stop and vibe!

[The mutants nod in agreement.]

WINGNUT: Give me a V a V, a vibe!

SUPERFLY: Nah man, I don’t vibe. And you don’t either. Now GET IN LINE!

BEBOP: Seriously Supe...

ROCKSTEADY: Turn off the machine.

[Superfly stares at his mutant crew, filling with anger.]

SUPERFLY: My own family turned against me. After everything I done for ya’ll... (stone cold) Look, bottom line: if you wanna stop this machine, you’ve got to go through me.

[Superfly presses buttons on the machine, powering it up and pointing it at downtown Manhattan.]

ROCKSTEADY: This guy’s making me angry.

BEBOP: I think this guy’s been making me angry my whole LIFE!

ROCKSTEADY: Oh my gosh... (realizing) I think he’s the REASON we’re angry!

BEBOP: We gonna do something bout it!?!


[Rocksteady charges!]


BEBOP: Yeah, get him, Rock!

[Superfly grabs Rocksteady and tosses him.]


BEBOP: Rock! No!

[Bebop charges at Superfly.]

GENGHIS FROG: You’re trash!

SUPERFLY: Come on! Oink oink, punk!

BEBOP: Not my nose ring! No!

[Superfly pulled his ring nose, sending Bebopcrashing into Splinter, knocking the rat out unconcious. Genghis shoots his tongue onto Superfly’s face, flying at him.]

WINGNUT: The machine! This is our chance! Come on!

[Wingnut flies at the machine, trying to disable it. Superfly grabs her.]

SUPERFLY: Get off me!

[-and he sends her flying! Leatherhead snaps her jaws at Superfly who narrowly dodges it. Ray Fillet swoops in behind.]

SUPERFLY: Oh no! Funky breath!

MIKEY: Flying kick!

RAY FILLET: Ray Fillet!

[The mutants tackle Superfly to the ground. He shakes them off and gets back up. Leo and Donnie rush towards the machine.]

LEO: We gotta break it! Just like, I dunno, throw it against the wall or something!

DONNIE: Try to rip it out! Get it get it!

[Superfly grabs Michelangelo and hits him repeatedly.]

SUPERFLY: Surprise! Why you socking yourself? Why you socking yourself?

WINGNUT: Am I actually helping, anyone?

SUPERFLY: You might as well give up!

[Superfly beats down Ray Fillet.]

RAY FILLET: Rayyy Filletttt...

SUPERFLY: They smile in your face, all the time they wanna take your place.

[The group rallies and charges at him! The mutants all wrestle Superfly. Splinter regained conciousness and notice the mutants shoving Superfly close to the machine.]

SUPERFLY: What’s goin on? Why are you all doing this?! There’s only one way for you to feel safe and happy, that’s if you listen to me!

[Splinter realized it was the same words that he said to his sons, and he realized he was selfish.]

SUPERFLY: Rat man! Come on, help me out! Look man, we’re basically the same! We both hate humans! I’m just not a punk about it like you!

SPLINTER: Don’t you say that!

[He charges Superfly, joining in the mutants and crashing him into the machine. Superfly gets himself electicuted and collapse to the ground. The machine starts to CRASH through the freighter! They all watch as the machine and Superfly sink into the ocean...]

LEO: Jeez dad, you really went buck wild there.

MIKEY: Uh, did we stop it?

SPLINTER: I think so?

[But - the machine that was dumped in the water starts to rumble from deep under the ocean.]

MONDO GECKO: [walking torward the hole] Hey, when a machine that turns a bunch of animals into mutants goes off underwater, um, and then there’s animals in the water, um like what do you think that does?

[The water glows green. A loud growl made the freighter shake as everyone gets startled by the sound. The mutants get to the top of the freighter and watch as a disturbance in the water heads towards Manhattan. A huge bluish blob emerges from the water and struggled to move.]

Mikey: It’s ok, things flop onto the shore all the time!

LEO: That’s not so bad!

[But his warning came too late as teh blob, crashes into a zoo.]

TURTLES/MUTANTS: Oh my god!/Yeah that’s bad!/AH!/That got way worse!

[It roars, emerging from the zoo. Superfly is huge. His body was a whale with monkey arms and narwhale claws with sea turtles on his stomach and huge wings. Most of his face has a elephant nose and giraffe forehead while tentacles are on his back.]

SUPERFLY: Oh, HELLLL YEAHHHHHH!!!! LOOK AT ME. Look at me! This is amazing! I ain’t just Superfly. I’m SUPERDUPER FLY! You know what I mean? I mean Missy Elliot superduperfly. I’m on some Godzilla- what the hell? Is that a… is that a whale tail? Aww. I got a claw, I got a whale body, giraffe forehead...Look at my feets! They’re made of horses! Man I’m about to have a BALL with this. Thank you turtles!!!! Thank you, ya lil’ tortoises. NEW YORK! Here I COME!

[He starts flying into downtown Manhattan.]


[Agape, the turtles watch the mutant from afar.]

RAPH: Alright, well... we gave it a shot. Back to the sewer? I got pizza tonight for dinner....

LEO: Really?!

DONNIE: We can’t stop that thing! We couldn’t stop him before he became that thing!

LEO: What, so we just go home?

MIKEY: I bet the army will be here soon!

DONNIE: According to every Godzilla movie, they’ll eventually get here.

WINGNUT: So, you guys got like a good Wi-Fi situation down there? Like are you fully able to stream or uh?


[They all turn to Splinter.]

WINGNUT: Oh, okay, no streaming..

SPLINTER: Not that!

[He faces the turtles.]

SPLINTER: Boys, I messed up. I don’t want to be like Superfly. I love you boys. I want you to be happy. Even though I don’t like humans, I want them to like you because YOU want them to like you. (beat) So we're gonna get that monster. We’re gonna take him down. We're gonna film it and we're gonna show it to the world. And the world will love you and accept you! And the world will cheer turtles turtles turtles!!!

[The turtles are deeply moved by Splinter’s words.]

ROCKSTEADY: Oh man, I’m feeling GREAT after that speech right?

BEBOP: It was rousing. I’m fully roused, ya know?

ROCKSTEADY: Little bit of a buzzkill here but...

BEBOP / ROCKSTEADY: How do we do that??

[Donnie’s phone rings. It’s April.]

DONNIE: Hello?

APRIL: (O.S.) Hey! What am I looking at? What happened to the whole “stop Superfly” thing? We not doing that or what’s up?

[April can see Superfly: Mega Mutant from her window.]

DONNIE: SO much has changed since we last spoke.

APRIL: (O.S.) Yeah obviously.

[He hands the phone to Leo.]

LEO: It’s a lot to catch up on, okay? But first, do you maybe know any ways we might be able to stop that thing?

[April looks at the TCRI motorcycle in her driveway equipped with an anti-mutant gun.]

APRIL: Oh, I actually might have something...Meet me at the leg of... the thing we’re all looking at...right? Cool.

[QUICK CUTS - The motorcycle’s engine getting revved, throttle getting turned, wheels screeching- April rips down the road on the bike with the antiI-mutagen gun in tow.]


[Leo hangs up the phone.]

LEO: Let’s GO!!!


[IN A GLORIOUS SHOT - We see Wingnut carrying Bebop and Rocksteady, one in each hand. Scumbug, flying with a cargo net that holds Splinter and the Turtles. Leatherhead swims next to Ray Fillet, who Mondo Gecko surfs on. Genghis Frog hops out of the water periodically as he keeps up! We see the turtles all smooshed together in the cargo net.]

RAPH: This is not triumphant at all.

[Some Scumbug goop drips on to Donnie.]

DONNIE: Ahh!! It hit my lip!


[The mutant crew land in the city and spring into action. They turn to see April on the motorcycle ripping towards them! She akira slides to a stop right in front of them. She tosses the antidote gun to RaphH and run towards Superfly: Mega Mutant!!]

SUPERFLY: New York, New York! I’m here baby! Ya’ll thought it was gonna be Godzilla? Nah!

[Raph gets into position.]

RAPH: Woo ok let’s go, eye of the tiger, come on. You got this Raph. You’re awesome.

[The others encourage him and give him pointers.]

MIKEY: Close one eye, I heard that helps.

RAPH: Shut. Up.

LEATHERHEAD: Steady, steady.

SPLINTER: Focus! Breathe deep!

RAPH: Don’t screw this up.

TURTLES AND MUTANTS: [misc words of encouragement]

[He takes the shot and it hits Superfly.]

SUPERFLY: What the hell?

LEO: Is that it did you do it?

RAPH: I think I got it.

DONNIE: We did it!

RAPH: We’re good right?

[One horse falls off of Superfly and runs away.]

SUPERFLY: That’s it? One little horse? I don’t need that horse. It looks like y'all want to die now.

[The Mega Mutant turns around and sees our crew.]

LEO: That didn’t do what I thought it would.

RAPH: Oh my god, it’s running at us. Oh my god! Oh my god! Leo do something!

LEO: Run run run!

[He kicks a bus and it flies at them. They Dive for cover as it smashes down, EXPLODING!!! We see Mikey’s eyes open - it’s like Saving Private Ryan. The street is like a war zone.]

WINGNUT: This isn’t going very good!

SUPERFLY: What did the claw say to the face?

[Smack! Wingnut flies and is swatted out of the sky. Bebop tries to free Rocksteady from underneath an ambulance.]

BEBOP: Rocksteady! Buddy are you okay?

[Mikey sees Mondo’s tail under some rubble.]

MIKEY: Mondo!

[He pulls at it and is horrified to see its just a tail! Mondo runs by in the BG.]

MONDO GECKO: It’s ok! It grows back! See?

DONNIE: Mikey!!!

[Mikey turns to see Donnie stumbling his way! He was badly injured and his glasses had cracked.]

RAPH: Donnie!

[Superfly hurls a car a Donnie. Raph appears, shoving Donnie out of the way, just in time. CRASH!]

DONNIE: Thanks bro.

MIKEY: Where are the others!?

RAPH: I don’t know!

DONNIE: Where’s dad? Where’s April?

[Another car is thrown at them! It crashes in front of Leo as he leaps out of the way, landing with his brothers!]

LEO: He’s gonna run out of cars eventually!

[Superfly turns to a full car garage right next to him.]

LEO: Oh, come on!

SUPERFLY: You like these rides right here?

[They all run, Donnie grabbing the anti ooze from the ground!]!

DONNIE: Oh the Mercedes E class, no!

RAPH: That one’s a Prius, it’s okay.

LEO: Look out! A tesla! Somebody’s mad about that.

[They jump into a bus to hide..]

LEO: I think we lost him-

[-but Superfly kicks the bus! They go flying through the air and land in Times Square!]

SUPERFLY: Uhhhh! Hit that from the back!

[The turtles land dazed. They pull themselves out of the bus... ]

LEO: You good guys? (looks up) Oh no.

[The turtles looked up. All the screens in the city have various news outlets reporting on the mutant attack. “MUTANTS ATTACK NEW YORK: MUTANT MAYHEM!!”]

SCIENTIST: Monstrous mutants are rampaging through downtown New York! The only question is do we capture them for experimentation, or kill them on site? Taking calls now!

FEMALE ANCHOR: If you’re just joining us, mutants are attacking the city.

ANCHOR: A rash of monsters in New York is taking over Times Square.

MILITARY GENERAL: We don’t know what they are but there WILL be a military response.

OTHER/ ANCHOR: -are threatening to take a bite out of the Big Apple.

ANCHOR: -widespread destruction and chaos!

CITIZEN: One thing I know? I hate mutants!

[Shocked and horrified, the turtles climbed off the bus and stared at the destoryed city, their hearts shattered. A scared mother ushers her daughter away from the turtles.]

MOTHER: Ah! It’s them!

DONNIE: Yeah, I don’t think this is gonna go down how we wanted it to...

MIKEY: They hate us...

RAPH: They think we’re villains.

DONNIE: No, worse. They think we’re monsters.

RAPH: We’re never gonna be normal.

LEO: Look, guys, April was right. We were doing this for the wrong reasons. I know we only wanted to be heroes to be accepted, but even though it looks like we’ll never be accepted...I still think we should try to be heroes.

MIKEY: But how? Every plan we’ve had has failed.

LEO: Plan?! YOU’RE complaining we don’t have a plan?! Mikey - What do you do better than ANYONE? Even Mark Ruffalo?


DONNIE: It’s impossible!

LEO: Says the guy who has read more comics where people are fighting giant monsters than anyone on EARTH!

DONNIE: I mean I have but...

LEO: You MUST be able to think of a way to stop something like that!

[Donnie looks around, thinking.]

DONNIE: Of COURSE! Attack on Titan! Giant monsters attack and they have ONE WEAKNESS! On the backs of their necks!

MIKEY: Yes! And, the blowhole is exactly that!!

DONNIE: That’s it!

[He picks up the last vial of anti-ooze from the gun.]

DONNIE: If we can get THIS thing into that thing’s blowhole, it’ll go in it’s bloodstream! I bet it’ll demutanize it!

LEO: There ya go! Demutanize the big monster! And Raph... It’s time to go loud.

RAPH: Loud?

LEO: REAL LOUD! As loud as you’ve ever gone. Use that rage of yours! Use it to help us!!!

RAPH: Okay, I will! RAHHH!!

[Raph sees a pizza van on it’s side. He goes over and lifts it, putting it on it's wheels!!!]


MIKEY: We gotta get you into therapy man!

[They pile in. Raph looks to Leo.]

RAPH: Ya know, just then, for the first time in your life, you didn’t sound lame! You actually sounded like a leader.

LEO: I do! Oh, I do! Oh, I sound like such a leader, holy crap that’s so dope!

RAPH: And you ruined it.


[They drive towards the Mega Mutant, They speed past a pile of rubble and we see April emerge!]

APRIL: Dear lord, this helmet was a good investment!

[She looks up at the nearest jumbo screen and sees the headlines about how the turtles are villians. April decided to do something, not wanting to risk her friends being captured by the TCRI again.]

APRIL: Not on my watch!

[She sees the screen is attached to the actual news building. She runs towards it.]


[April makes her way through the building as we see Superfly wreaking havoc out the windows.]

APRIL: Ok, not great. Not great at all. No, very bad. Yeah.


[We see an Anchor at the news desk, reporting.]

ANCHOR: If you’re just joining us, an army of mutants that appears to be lead by four turtle men is attacking the city with a giant whale monster.



[The anchor runs away! The camera crew look at each other, when April bursts in and heads for the desk.]

APRIL: Keep rolling!! I got the REAL story!!!

[April plops down behind the desk.]

APRIL: April O’Neil here and...

[She looks at the lights and cameras. Her heart starts to beat. She starts to sweat! The tension builds and builds... until - April clears her throat and looks dead in the camera.]

APRIL: (reporting PERFECTLY) April O’Neil here reporting live with new and CONFIRMED information - A fly-monster is attacking the city, but the turtle teens, along with the rat, warthog, stingray, crocodile, bat, frog, lizard and co*ckroach lady are in fact fighting AGAINST the monster in an attempt to SAVE New York! The giant monster is bad, but the mutants you see here are in fact GOOD!

[Finally, she pukes, but only a little.]

APRIL: Sorry. I really thought I got past that, that’s a thing from my past. Anyway, as I was saying...


[The an speeds through the streets towards Superfly: Mega Mutant! Scumbug flies up holding Splinter. Scumbug drops Splinter onto the van. Splinter said something Vermin to Scumbug and wents inside.]

LEO: Whoah dad, you speak the same language as Scumbug?

SPLINTER: We actually have a lot in common! I’m really attracted to her!!

LEO: Oh, that’s gross.

SPLINTER: Donnie! You should NOT be driving!

DONNIE: Sorry dad!

SPLINTER: But since you are - go there!

[He points a huge parking structure with spiral ramp going up 20 stories. Superfly is smashing a building - oblivious!]

SUPERFLY: I’m the king of New York!

[They turn on to the ramp and speed in circles.]

MIKEY: Woo! That slide!

[They fly off the ramp and soar towards Superfly - his blowhole in site -]


[-whenhe grabs the pizza van! He rips the roof off!]



[He grabs them in his claw! They drops the vial and Splinter grabs it as he leaps through the air from the van - but Superfly: Mega Mutant swats him. He soars through the air and crashing into times square.]


[Superfly looks to the turtles in his claw.]

SUPERFLY: That’s it! You’re done. It’s over. You are never gonna stop me! And humans are never gonna like you! Because HUMANS SUCK! These shells are hard! I’m about to snap you like a pistachio.

[He started to squeeze them rightly and what was worse, their shells began to crack like spider webs. The turtles scream in agony!]


RAPH: Look, I know I said your faces weren’t the last thing I wanted to see before I died! But now that we’re actually about to die... there’s nothing I’d rather be looking at!

LEO: That was so heartfelt Raph!

MIKEY: I’m crying.

DONNIE: Love you bro.


[We see Splinter in a heap. He tries to get up but his leg is mangled! He has the vial of ooze, but it’s cracled on the ground beside him! He goes to grab it but can't touch it. He sees his sons getting crushed by Superfly.]

SPLINTER: Boys no!

SUPERFLY: Damn these shells are hard!

[Then - he sees a human approaching. He recoils in fear.]


[The same memory repeats again in Splinter minds, all the humans calling him "freak" over and over again. But then -]

GOOD HUMAN: Hey, are you okay? Do you need help?

HUMAN 2: It’s him! He’s with the turtles!

APRIL: Those turtles are not the bad guys! They’re actually teenagers! And fighting against the giant monster! I have the whole story.

HUMAN 3: Uh sir, you need help?

SPLINTER: Yes. Yeah.

HUMAN 3: We’ll go to a hospital or a veterinarian.

SPLINTER: No no. I must get this to my boys!

[A human puts the leaking vial in a plastic bag.]

Man: I got this!

RAPH: Hey the humans! They’re helping us!

LEO: Really?!

DONNIE: Yes! Haha!

SUPERFLY: Oh no they AIN’T!!

[Superfly flings a car at him! There’s a gap in the road - the guy can’t make it! Genghis Frog appears!]

GENGHIS FROG: Hop on! Let’s go!

[The guy gets on and Genghis over hops the gap. H!e’s hopping until there’s an explosion- the vial is knocked free and sails through the air - until a cabby catches it!]

CABBIE FROM THE BRONX: Hey! I’m a cabbie from the Bronx! How bout that!

Man: Get that to the monster!

[The cabby speeds towards the monster - until rubble falls in the road right in front of him! He’s about to crash when Scumbug and Wingnut appear and lift the cab in to the air!]

SUPERFLY: What the hell?

WINGNUT: I’m being helpful! Wow I’m strong!

[Superfly hurls a statue at them. Wingnut and Scumbug drop the cab and Bebop and Rocksteady catch it!!!]

BEBOP: Gotcha!

[They set it down and help out the woozy driver.]

CABBIE FROM THE BRONX: Someone take this bag please!

MONDO GECKO: Hey human! Got it from here bro!

[Mondo takes the bag and expertly skates through the debris field. Superfly hurls radio antennae at him like javelins!]

SUPERFLY: I’m gonna mess you up right here, right now!

[More young New York skaters show up and they pass it back and forth.]

SKATER: Don’t worry, I gotcha.

SUPERFLY: Dang Mondo, you slippery lizard!

[They get to a sinkhole in the road flooding with water. Ray Fillet grabs the vile and swims it across!]


[He tosses it to a construction worker who jumps on the hook of a crane. The crane operator hoists him in the air.]

CONSTRUCTION WORKER: I got it! (to Turtles) Hey! I heard you need this!

[Another construction worker smacks Superfly in the heel with a backhoe!]


[The turtles seize the opportunity to wriggle out of Superfly: Mega Mutant’s claw! People and mutants attack Superfly: Mega Mutant from all sides at once! They crash cars into his feet! Smack him with cranes! People toss everything they can out of their apartment windows, raining debris down on Superfly: Mega Mutant.]

RAPH: Throw it over!

[The construction worker tosses the turtles the vial. He catches it.]

RAPH: Got it! Mikey catch!

MIKEY: Coming in hot!

[He tosses it to Donnie who RUNS through a high-rise as Superfly swings his claw at him.]

SUPERFLY: Ya’ll done screwed up now!


[Donnie tosses it back to Raph.]

RAPH: Leo!

[Superfly is too distracted to stop them!!]

LEO: Got it!

[LEO jumps in the air, vial in handLeo DUNKS the vial into Superfly: Mega Mutant’s blowhole. The turtles land on Superfly: Mega Mutant in formation.]

SUPERFLY: Wah!! Damn!! Oh, you think this the end of me? Man, you know what?

[Before he could finished, rays of blue light shoot outbetween the fish composing the Mega Mutant’s body! He explodes! The various animals composing him fall safely to the ground, along with the turtles. The turtles slowly regained conciousness and saw people coming out of their hiding place.]

LEO: Uh, what the...

MIKEY: What is this...

DONNIE: It’s happening...

RAPH: It’s actually happening!

CABBIE FROM THE BRONX: Hey, them toitles are alright!

[A nearby reporter covers the story.]

NEWS ANCHOR: (on screen) Again, we’re reporting live with footage of the mutant hero turtles who saved New York...

[The turtles look at each other. This is everything they ever wanted.]

NEWS ANCHOR: In a story broken by April- wait, what’s your name?

[April grabs the microphone from the reporter.]

APRIL: April O’Neil. That’s April O’ apostrophe Neil, Not Puke Girl. And if you ever call me Puke Girl, bite me! Cus I did it! Yeah! Woo!

[Bebop, Rocksteady and the other mutants emerge from the rubble. They’re all okay!]

SPLINTER: You know, it’s hard to meet other mutants my age.

[Scumbug grabs Splinter and makes out her!]


[Ray Fillet sings in the sewer.]

RAY FILLET: Ray Fillleetttt....

[Mondo Gecko is skateboarding in a pipe while Genghis films]

MONDO GECKO: Can’t wait to add that to my footy!!

[Splinter and Scumbug hurry to pack the turtles’ lunches. Wingnut is going through Donnie’s manga collection.]

WINGNUT: The entire Akira original set! Don’t mind if I do!!

[Bebop and Rocksteady move a couch.]

ROCKSTEADY: The couch should go here!

BEBOP: I pictured the couch against the wall!

ROCKSTEADY: That’s so basic!

BEBOP: Hey that’s not basic!

[They start to wrestle. Leatherhead puts out a bloomin’ onion.]

LEATHERHEAD: ‘Ey mates, Bloomin’ Onion, coming right up.

[Genghis eats it with his tongue.]

GENGHIS FROG: Mmm, that is outstanding!

SPLINTER: I can not believe it.... Your first day of school. Just remember, you call any time you want! If you get scared, there are sewers ALL over the city! Just hop into the sewer! You can come home anytime! And if anyone messes with you, call me! I will come kick their butts! Hoo-ha! And she will eat what’s left!

LEO: We’ll be fine, dad.

RAPH: Yeah... don’t worry. We’re ready for this.

MIKEY: We’ve BEEN ready!

DONNIE: Trust us, you’ve prepared us for this.

SPLINTER: Alright. (beat) I’m proud of you boys. I love you.

DONNIE: We love you.

SPLINTER: Love you too! (to Scumbug) And I love you too, sweetie!

TURTLES: Ugh./Dad!/That’s gross!

[Mikey climbs up the ladder after his brothers.]

SPLINTER: Now go show those humans how cool you are.

[He drops his orange mask which Splinter catches below.]


[The turtles approach the school on their first day.]


[The turtles enter the school. We see PROM IS BACK! Posters around the hallway Kids look at the turtles - then cheer!! They come around and start to talk to them - welcoming them to the school.]

KIDS: Yo!/ It’s the turtles!/I’m so glad you’re here!

APRIL: Guys! I’m so happy you made it, let me show you around!

[They walk down the hallways, past April’s locker. “Puke Girl” has been replaced with “April O’Hero.”]


[We see cell phone footage of the turtles filming themselves on their first day of school.]

DONNIE: Hey! Hello! It’s Donnie... and I have found my people! Haha!

[We see a group of kids hanging out on the steps with computers, playing video games.]

[Footage of Raph and some jocks practicing wrestling.]

RAPH: Haha! Fold him in half!

[Footage of Mikey doing Improv with other kids to an empty auditorium.]

MIKEY (in Australian accent) G’day Mate! Welcome to my Australian shoe store!

KID: Do you have any Nikes?

MIKEY: No, but I do have the Australian version, Crikeys!

[Footage of April and Leo working in the dark room...]

APRIL: (to camera) April O’Neil here... working on the NEXT big story for April Tonight! (to Leo) Leo how many timeslandscape! Landscape!

LEO: Oh, yep sorry my bad.

[He turns the camera.]

APRIL: WHO IS TCRI? The shady black ops organization behind the mutants! Their offices, ABANDONED after the mutant attack. Gone without a trace!

LEO: But... WE will FIND THEM!!

APRIL: Yeah, that’s right.

LEO: Yeah, we will.

[He puts the phone down.]

LEO: Uh... hey April... Now that Prom is back on... uh... do you maybe want to... uh... well...

APRIL: I’d love to, Leo. (beat) You looked like you were gonna puke there.

LEO: I almost did.


[They’re having a blast, hanging with humans, loving that life baby!]

[We pull back to see Cynthia Utrom watching the turtles. A familiar looking fly moves around in a container next to her.]

UTROM: Well... it appears as though finding these creatures will be easier than I thought. CAPTURING them on the other hand... might prove difficult.

SPIDER: There is one option.

UTROM: Yes. I know. Bring me... THE SHREDDER!!

[The movie ends with the new overreaching antagonist glancing at New York.]

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem/Transcript (2024)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.